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Environmental Survey South East Energy Branch 2010 Results and Analysis.

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1 Environmental Survey South East Energy Branch 2010 Results and Analysis

2 Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis We had a very positive response to this survey so I would firstly like to thank all participants who took the time to complete. Questions 5 and 6 has given me the biggest challenge as 76% of respondents think the branch should set its own sustainable commitments and 46% do not know how good we are at tackling environmental issues. 1 – How good do you think EDF Energy is at reducing its environmental impact? (For example its energy use, travel, handling of waste and water use) 2 – How good do you think your department is at reducing its environmental impact?

3 Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis 3 – How good do you think YOU are at reducing your environmental impact at work? 4 – And at home?

4 Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis 4 – Do you think any of the following have improved their environmental performance over the past year? EDF Energy Your department Yourself (At work)

5 Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis 5 – Do you think that this branch of Unison should set its own sustainable commitments? 6 – How good do you think the Union is at tackling environmental issues? 7 – Are you aware of EDF’s Climate Commitments?

6 Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis And thinking about travel to work…. 8 – How do you travel to and from work? 9 – If permit parking was introduced on the roads surrounding your site – would this have an impact on your travel plans to your office?

7 . Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis In the final question of our survey we asked people think about energy use at work and if they could think of one thing to do at work to be more green…. ● The recycling of cups, remove cups by the cold water and get staff to use water bottles more, its such a waste, when the cups were out of stock everyone reused the cups they had and were much more aware of what they were doing. ● I would like to cycle to work more and would do if there were more cycle lanes. ● Car share. ● Bring my own mug to work to stop using the plastic ones. ● Recycle more and use less cups when drinking water. ● Fans to be banned, recycle more paper, teleconference instead of travelling to meetings. ● I think that I print too often when maybe I could write details down etc. So I will aim to print less at work to be more green. ● I’m going to try to find something more sustainable to wrap my sandwiches in, as at the moment I use tin foil and I have just been made aware how un-sustainable that is. ● Print less i.e. use less paper. ● Turning off my computer screen more regularly when on breaks.

8 Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis ● I could work from home occasionally if I had a laptop. ● We could all re-cycle cups more. ● NOT PRINT OFF E-MAILS AND FILE INFORMATION ELECTRONICALLY. ● USE THE SAME CUP FOR DRINKING. ● I think raising general awareness and making sure I only print when necessary – I think this combination will not only reduce my impact, but also help reduce the impact of those around me. ● Use less paper. ● The Amount of work equipment I have to bring into work, also the expense and time of public transport, as well as running a car and having business class insurance for work. ● I use a mug for my drinks instead of disposable cups; I switch the computer screen off when away from my desk. ● I have not used the printer unless necessary and I walk to and from work. Hopefully these small steps is a good contribution to a “greener” work place/environment! ● If the office air temperature was not so hot, EDFE would save energy & we wouldn't have to use desk fans.

9 Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis ● Reduce the amount of paper being used. ● I believe that all computers should be switched off every evening and that updates take place when switched on in the mornings. ● Car share more often. ● Re-use disposable cups and reduce printing. ● I WOULD USE MY FAN LESS. ● ENSURE THAT MYSLEF AND MY TEAM COLLEAGUES RECYCLE. Keeping the lights off when it is brilliant sunshine outside! I regularly turn off the lights in the office. ● PROPERLY SWITCH MONITORS OFF EACH DAY. ● Only print when absolutely necessary. ● Ask myself – do I really need to print this? Which I did with this survey. That’s why I’ve sent it back in electronic format! ● Use china instead of plastic cups, re-use printed paper for scrap, re-use stationery I.e. file Less - unnecessary printing, as we still seem to print so much that we don’t need to.. ● For more agents to use the notebook on the pc rather than notebooks.

10 Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis ● I would definitely like to see Customer Services send Dual Fuel statements/bills in one envelope to customers rather than 2 on the same day to the same address. ● Save on plastic cups and think before you print and turn my monitor when I go to break. ● I am required to stay at business approved hotels 3 or 4 times a year, and am often disappointed by their sustainable performance. I pledge to continue asking hotels about their recycling and energy use, where they source their food, and whether they can provide refillable toiletries rather than the tiny throw away portions usually found. I will also look into the possibility of the business approving use of more eco-committed hotels. ● Stop using disposable salad pots from canteen. ● Switch off monitors and base stations overnight. ● I could suggest that the Quarterly Magazine which is distributed to everyone on our floor is no longer issued to every person - there could just be one or two copies circulated around everyone with a name list attached which people could tick off once they have read it. This magazine is presumably given to everyone within the building, but there are usually piles and piles of spare copies just sitting around until these are recycled. I don’t think many people even read this magazine and it seems such a waste of paper. Use a mug instead of the cups. ● Stop these incentives which involve vast amounts of paper being used/wasted to decorate desks.

11 Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis ● I could reuse my plastic coffee cup more, or use a normal mug. ● Make sure that I don’t print anything that is not necessary and to use a double sided printer. ● I am by nature a very energy conscious person and do not like waste. This applies at work as well as at home. I always switch off my monitor when I leave my desk and put all waste and recyclables into the appropriate receptacles. Although cycling isn’t always appropriate I do so whenever possible. I also try to avoid travelling to meetings if using conference facilities is possible. ● It seems mad to me that IT policy is that PCs should be left on also question the need for TVs in receptions. I could print less paperwork but still find it easier when comparing and referencing many documents to do so in hard copy. ● As I work until 10.00pm in the evening, it is noticeable to everyone that the green waste is not re-cycled. It is thrown into the same rubbish sacks. Perhaps EDF Should consider employing a cleaning company that actually recycles its waste? ● I COULD TRY AND REUSE THE PAPER I HAVE PRINTED AS SCRAP PAPER AFTER. ● I could try to reduce paper that I use more than I already have, and also remember to always put my rubbish in the correct bins. ● Refill my plastic cup to get coffee at work everyday – I drink about 5x cups a day. This would save 16 plastic cups per week. ● Definitely using less paper. Currently a lot of processes at work require the unnecessary printing of forms etc. I am currently trying to get an online system introduced to reduce the waste.

12 Unison Environmental Survey- South East Energy Branch – 2010 Results and Analysis ● Reuse my Coffee cup from the canteen ● I already commit to being as minimal-impact as possible to my workplace and environment, by keeping my paper use down, turning off equipment I’m not using at the time, e.g. my monitor, bringing in my own water bottle to avoid creating waste of plastic cups, Bringing in my own lunch in a washable box with minimal food contaminated waste and walking to work when I can. I recycle what I do use with the properly marked recycle bins at work and ensure I pass on my ethos to family and friends to at least consider. My husband and I are also signed up for Team Green Britain. ● Would not mind paying for mini bus if available at work and it was going to be cheaper than bus fares. ● Allow laptops in meeting rooms where minutes from the meeting can be recorded etc. ● I rarely print. I reduce my landfill waste to a minimum and buy local. __________________ o __________________

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