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San Antonio College SAC SCORES: PROGRAM ASSESSMENT Presented By: Dr. Kris Clark Cynthia Price, M.A Dr. Franc Solis.

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Presentation on theme: "San Antonio College SAC SCORES: PROGRAM ASSESSMENT Presented By: Dr. Kris Clark Cynthia Price, M.A Dr. Franc Solis."— Presentation transcript:

1 San Antonio College SAC SCORES: PROGRAM ASSESSMENT Presented By: Dr. Kris Clark Cynthia Price, M.A Dr. Franc Solis

2 Agenda for SAC SCORES: Program Assessment Part I (8:30-8:50): Context and overview [VP’s, Deans, Chairs, Directors, Coordinators] Components of Institutional Effectiveness Review of the day Part II (9-9:50): Preparing for Program Assessment Work Sessions [break out groups by function] Create a framework for work sessions Clarify expectations of work sessions Part III (10-12): Department/Unit Work Sessions [The college community engaging with-in their work group]

3 San Antonio College Institutional Effectiveness According to SACS-COC Administrative Units  Strategic Planning  Unit Review

4 How it should work! Unit Review (5-year cycle) Program Assessment (On-going, Annual Cycle) Strategic Planning ( On-going, Annual Cycle) Budget Linkages Share data and information Inform budget process Continuous improvement Evaluation Planning Provide results to inform improvements Inform training needs Difference Different Cycles Additional Data Elements Different Purposes

5 Strategic Planning SUPPORTED BY IPPE : Point of Contact: Cynthia Price, Sr. Research and Planning Specialist Dr. Kris Clark, Chief of IPPE/Chair of SQEC Strategic Planning Cycle: Timeline/Tasks Weave: Tracking Software DEFINED Institutional Level (SQEC) – Establish Priorities, Goals, Outcomes/ Objectives for the College – Informs data collection for the college – Includes key phases: Plan, Do, Check, Act, Follow-up Deployed To Division/Department/Discipline/Unit Review – Operational plans developed to: Support and help actualize college plan (influence college improvement) Set priorities for Units Address issues unique to Unit (influence Unit improvement)


7 Unit Review DEFINED A systematic process to ensure on-going quality of academic, student success and administrative units of the college. Summative and comprehensive process that highlights planning, assessment and other unit efforts over a 5-year period. SUPPORTED BY IPPE: Point of contact: Dr. Franc Solis, Director of Learning Assessment and Review Unit Review Committee

8 Unit Review Unit Review Cycle o Five Year Cycle ⁻2015-2016 Professional Technical Education ⁻2016-2017 Continuing Education/Community Service Units ⁻2017-2018 Administrative Units ⁻2018-2019 Student Success ⁻2019-2020 Arts and Sciences o Unit Review Calendar ⁻September 15 th, Deans notify Unit ⁻September 30 th, Orientation for all Chairs

9 Program Learning Outcomes Assessment SUPPORTED BY IPPE: Point of contact- Dr. Franc Solis, Director of Learning Assessment and Review Learning Assessment Committee Program Assessment Cycle: Timeline/Tasks eLumen: Tracking Software DEFINED College-wide assessment efforts aimed at understanding and improving student learning and/or administrative outcomes. Different from Strategic Planning in that the focus is on Learning Outcomes VS. Operational Outcomes

10 Program Assessment Cycle 1 Define CLOs and PLOs Convocation Week 2 Plan Methods of Assessment Convocation Week 3 Conduct Assessment Fall and Spring Semesters 4 Fall SAC Scores – Faculty and Staff Development 5 Reflection and Enhancement Spring SAC Scores

11 Phase II: Preparing for Unit Work Sessions 9:00-10:00 Academic Units (including VP/Deans/Chairs): CG 201 (Also includes Developmental Studies Chair) Administrative and Community Service Units: NTC 234 (including VPCS/Dean CE/Directors/Coordinators Student Success Units: NTC 318 (including VP, Directors/Coordinators)

12 THANK YOU IPPE Contacts Dr. Kris Clark, Chief of Integrated Planning and Performance Excellence – 210-486-0757/ Dr. Franc Solis, Director of Learning Assessment and Review – 210-486-1138/ Cynthia Price, M.A., Sr. Research and Planning Specialist – 210-486-0757/ Misty Guerrero, Administrative Assistant – 210-486-0757/

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