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Chapter 3 Attending Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 3 Attending Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 3 Attending Behavior

2 Three V’s + B Culturally and Individually appropriate: Visuals Vocals
Verbals Body language

3 Listening Skills (European-North American context)
Eye Contact Vocal Qualities Verbal Tracking Attentive and Authentic Body Language Cultural Differences?

4 Silence Time for reflection What to do when you’re stuck
Since helpee is focus, helper should talk much less than helpee Less experienced helpers talk much more than more experienced helpers

5 Selective Attention By showing interest in a topic, you influence the conversation What may be of most interest to you may not be the most important topic for the helpee Become aware of that to which you pay attention

6 Samurai Practice

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