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CTC 422 Design of Steel Structures

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1 CTC 422 Design of Steel Structures
Beams - Flexure

2 Objectives of Structural Design
Structure is adequate to support loads which will be applied during its life Strength provided ≥ strength required Structure will meet serviceability requirements Deflection Vibration Structure will meet functional requirements Structure will meet economic requirements

3 Beam Design Student Objectives
Analyze a beam to calculate load, shear, moment and deflection and to determine if a given beam is adequate Design (select) a beam to safely to support a load considering moment, shear and deflection

4 Beam Design Beam A structural member which carries loads applied perpendicular to its longitudinal axis These loads cause shear and bending (moment) Different terms used for beams depending on application or location Girder, stringer, joist, lintel, spandrel, purlin, girt Behavior of all is the same. All are beams

5 Load and Resistance Factor Design - LRFD
Design strength ≥ Required strength ΦRn ≥ Ru For bending Φb Mn ≥ Mu Where: Mn = Nominal moment strength Φb = Strength reduction factor for bending = 0.9 Mu = Required moment strength based on factored loads

6 Load and Resistance Factor Design - LRFD
Nominal moment capacity, Mn, depends on the failure mechanism of the beam Beam can fail by: Full yielding of the cross-section Lateral torsional buckling (LTB) Can be inelastic or elastic buckling Flange local buckling (FLB) Web local buckling (WLB) Failure mechanism is related to: Lateral bracing of the beam Whether or not the beam cross-section is compact

7 Failure Mechanism and Nominal Moment Capacity, Mn
If beam remains stable up to its full plastic moment capacity Failure is by yielding of the full section Mn = Mp Instability could be overall beam instability Lateral torsional buckling (elastic or inelastic) Prevented by adequate lateral bracing of the beam’s compression flange Instability could also be local instability Flange local buckling or web local buckling Dependent on width / thickness ratios of compression elements Compactness, non-compactness or slenderness of section

8 Compactness Structural shapes are classified as compact, non-compact, or slender Compact Section reaches its full strength (yield) before local buckling occurs Strength of section is governed by material strength Non-compact Only a portion of the cross-section reaches its full strength (yield) before local buckling occurs Slender Cross-section does not yield before local buckling occurs Strength is governed by buckling Compactness, non-compactness, or slenderness is a property of the cross-section itself A function of the width / thickness ratios of its flanges and its web Flange width / thickness = bf / 2tf Web width / thickness = h / tw

9 Compactness Classification is given in Table B4.1
Notation: λ = width / thickness ratio λp = upper limit for compact category λr = upper limit for non-compact category If λ ≤ λp and the flange is continuously attached to the web, the shape is compact If λp ≤ λ ≤ λr, the shape is non-compact If λ > λr, the shape is slender Category is based on the worst width / thickness ratio Example: If web is compact and flange is non-compact, section is classified as non-compact Most standard W, M, S, and C sections are compact A few are non-compact because of their flanges, but none are slender

10 Bending Strength of Compact Shapes
Moment strength of a compact shape is a function of, Lb, the unbraced length of its compression flange Lb – distance between points braced against lateral displacement of compression flange Lp – limiting laterally unbraced length for limit state of yielding Lr – limiting laterally unbraced length for limit state of inelastic lateral torsional buckling Compression flange may be braced by: Perpendicular framing Steel roof deck or floor deck Concrete slab Cross-bracing

11 Bending Strength of Compact Shapes
If the compression flange is continuously braced (Lb ≤ Lp) Failure will be by yielding at full plastic moment Nominal moment capacity, Mn = Mp = Fy Zx (AISC Eq. F2-1) Design strength Φb Mn = Φb Mp For unbraced length Lb > Lp Failure will be by inelastic lateral torsional buckling Nominal moment capacity, Mn < Mp At Lb = Lp, Mn = 0.7 Fy Sx For Lp < Lb < Lr , linear interpolation from Mn = Mp to Mn = 0.7 Fy Sx (AISC Eq. F2-2) For unbraced length Lb > Lr Failure will be by elastic lateral torsional buckling Rapid reduction in Mn (AISC Eq. F2-3)

12 Bending Strength of Non-compact Shapes
Most standard W, M, S, and C sections are compact A few are non-compact because of their flanges, but none are slender Shapes with noncompact flanges are listed in User note on page Sections with compact webs and noncompact (or slender) flanges Nominal moment capacity, Mn < Mp Calculate Mn using provisions of Code Section F3 Sections with noncompact webs Calculate Mn using provisions of Code Section F4

13 Design Aids – Braced Beams
Table 3-2, W-Shapes – Selection by Zx Applies to wide flange shapes with Fy = 50 ksi Applies mainly to sections which are adequately braced (Lb ≤ Lp) Can be used for unbraced length up to Lb = Lr Best to use this table only if fully braced Table lists Zx, Lp, Lr, and Moment Capacity, Φb Mp Also lists Ix, and Shear Capacity Φv Vnx Non-compact sections indicated by the footnote “f” Moment capacity in table has been adjusted for non-compactness Sections in table are grouped by weight Lightest section in group is in bold Choose this section if there is no depth restriction

14 Design Aids – Unbraced Beams
Table 3-10, Available Moment vs. Unbraced Length Applies to wide flange shapes with Fy = 50 ksi Also applies to channel shapes with Fy = 36 ksi Table is a plot of available flexural strength, ΦbMnx, versus unbraced length Lb Bending Coefficient in Table conservatively taken as Cb = 1 See Table 3-1 for values of Cb Choose beam that has available moment strength ΦbMnx ≥ Mu at an unbraced length Lb ≥ Design Lb Choose a beam above and to right of (Lb, Mu) Solid line – Beam chosen is lightest section available for the given combination of Mu and Lb Dashed line – A lighter section is available

15 Design Aids – Channels Braced Channels Unbraced Channels
Table 3-8, Maximum Total Uniform Load – C Shapes Applies to channel shapes with Fy = 50 ksi Applies only to sections which are adequately braced (Lb ≤ Lp) Best to use this table only if fully braced Table lists Zx, Lp, Lr, and Moment Capacity, Φb Mp Also lists Shear Capacity Φv Vnx Unbraced Channels Table 3-10, Available Moment vs. Unbraced Length Applies to channel shapes with Fy = 36 ksi

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