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Spend -ing within natural limits Environmental Management System AnnaKarin Unger.

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Presentation on theme: "Spend -ing within natural limits Environmental Management System AnnaKarin Unger."— Presentation transcript:

1 spend -ing within natural limits Environmental Management System AnnaKarin Unger

2 spend -ing within natural limits Växjö’s need for an EMS To get control over all resources, not only the financial To systematize and get a more efficient work with environmental issues To increase environmental awareness among both politicians and administration To set a good example

3 spend -ing within natural limits ecoBUDGET An EMS for politically steered organisations Covers the geographical area as well as the organisation An imitation of the financial budget system Contains no monetary values Flexible system with few restrictions

4 spend -ing within natural limits ecoBUDGET cornerpillars Steering documents Ambitions in environmental issues? Ecological budget (adopted by the assembly) What are our targets? Internal budgets and action plans (boards & municipality owned companies) Plan Routines for EMS - Political directives - Organisation - Responsibilities - Quality assurance Do Check Half year account and annual account Sums up work and data Work according to action plans and gather data Act How to improve?

5 spend -ing within natural limits Integration in the financial system Municipality budget Boards and companies Assembly Internal budgets & actionplans Half year account Annual report Annual account Half year account Assembly targets Board and company specific targets Budget material

6 spend -ing within natural limits Internal budget and action plan Fossil Fuel Free Växjö Stefan Blomkvist33364462 Tonnes CO 2 Fossil CO2 emissions from transport and service Responsible boss Plan 2010 Budget 2006 Result 2003 Result 1999 Unit Indicator Decreased CO 2 – emissions by 2,84 tonnes +2 916400 0002006-12-31Ingvar Eek During 2006 two gasoline cars will be exchanged to renewable fuels Decreased CO 2 – emissions by 2,64 tonnes 9 10020 0002006-12-31Stefan Blomkvist EcoDriving education for newly employed staff and staff who did not attend the last education (15 persons) How much the action contributes to reach the budgeted target Calculated economic saving for the action (SEK) Costs for the actions in 2006 (SEK) Date when the action is to be completed Responsible staff Action to reach the budget 2006

7 spend -ing within natural limits Budget indicators (1) Area of ecologic agriculture in relation to total agriculture area (%) Biologic treatment of organic waste (tonne) Use of printing/copying paper (sheets) Purchase of ecologic foods in relation to total foods (%) Protected land area in relation to total land area (%) Area of productive forest maintained according to FSC or corresponding in relation to total productive forest (%) Nitrogen and phosphorus emissions to the Mörrum river (tonne)

8 spend -ing within natural limits Budget indicators (2) Share of city-close pastureland owned by the municipality that is grazed (%) Emissions of fossil CO 2 per inhabitant (kg/inh) Use of electricity per inhabitant (kWh/inh) Number of cyclists per day in a measuring point (no.) Number of travels per year by public transports in the city (no.) Number of travels per year by public transports in the county (no.) Use of mineral oil for heating in the municipal administration (m 3 ) Emissions of fossil CO 2 from transports in the municipal administration (tonne)

9 spend -ing within natural limits Type of indicators Geographical indicators Public city transports (journeys with public city buses/year) (%)Area of ecologic agriculture in relation to total agriculture area (%) Common indicators Fossil carbon dioxide emissions from transports and service (tonnes CO 2 /year) Use of oil for heating (m 3 ) Sector specific indicators Nitrogen and phosphorus emissions to the Mörrum river drainage area (tonnes/year)

10 spend -ing within natural limits Presentation of annual account

11 spend -ing within natural limits Environmental report

12 spend -ing within natural limits Challenges with ecoBUDGET The terminology Integration with other steering documents Internal/ external audit Too flexible system Management system

13 spend -ing within natural limits Advantages with ecoBUDGET Continuous arena for environmental discussions Continuous arena for environmental discussions Financial integration gives statusFinancial integration gives status Systematic in planning, implementation and follow-up of the environmental results Systematic in planning, implementation and follow-up of the environmental results Enhances the knowledge Enhances the knowledge Cross-departmental contacts Cross-departmental contacts Flexible system Flexible system

14 spend -ing within natural limits Future Improve the EMS by tackling challenges Integrate democracy issues, equality issues, integration issues, health and child issues Inspire other municipalities to use ecoBUDGET

15 spend -ing within natural limits Thank you for listening!

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