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C N H | K E Y C L U B CNH | Created by Member Relations Committee California-Nevada-Hawaii District July 2014 Presented by How to Present Effectively Joshua.

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Presentation on theme: "C N H | K E Y C L U B CNH | Created by Member Relations Committee California-Nevada-Hawaii District July 2014 Presented by How to Present Effectively Joshua."— Presentation transcript:

1 C N H | K E Y C L U B CNH | Created by Member Relations Committee California-Nevada-Hawaii District July 2014 Presented by How to Present Effectively Joshua Nuesca, D36E Lt. Governor Erica Bui, D42W Lt. Governor

2 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District WHAT IS PUBLIC SPEAKING? Public Speaking is the process and act of speaking or giving a lecture to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain a listening audience.

3 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District Before BEE prepared: Arrive 15 minutes early before your scheduled time. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Use bullet points. Notecards are your best friend!

4 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District Don’t BEE Nervous TIPS: Know your material Take pauses when needed Smile Always BEE You!

5 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District ENGAGE YOUR AUDIENCE ALWAYS BEE PROFESSIONAL Use eye-catching visuals/ colors Ask the audience if they have any questions or comments Remember: What do you want them to take home?

6 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District ENGAGE YOUR AUDIENCE (cont.) Use stories and anecdotes Include charts and graphs to reinforce your ideas Ask the audience for answers/stories/volunteers Use quizzes to keep your audience attentive

7 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE Who is your audience? What do they like? Should you use humor or SAT vocabulary? You don’t want to offend them or make them fall asleep while you are talking.

8 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District KNOW YOUR MATERIAL What are you talking about? Why is it important? How does it apply to “real life”? How does the audience benefit from it? Quality> Quantity

9 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District SPEAKING Volume Not too loud, not too quiet, You have a voice, so make use of it! Diction Take your time, there's no rush Enunciate words for added emphasis Passion Inspire you audience by using hand gestures and emotions.

10 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District SPEAKING Body Language Posture is EVERYTHING. Stand up. Sit up. Look Confident = Feel Confident Eye contact: Left, Mid, Right Tone Fluctuate your tone so that your voice captures attention and highlights important points

11 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District DON’T BEE un-professional Use jokes Use slang Use sarcasm

12 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District DO Ask for questions at the end SMILE Eye contact Ice breakers

13 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District Awkward Pauses? Silence is key. Silence is golden. It helps to get the audience’s attention. If you can hear me, clap once…If you can hear me, clap twice… Present right next to the source of noise The 3-S Plan: Stop, Stare, Smile

14 CNH | Training Topic: How to Present Effectively CNH Key Club District Questions, Comments, Concerns?

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