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Effective Presentation Techniques. Purpose Of The Presentation To inform To persuade.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Presentation Techniques. Purpose Of The Presentation To inform To persuade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Presentation Techniques

2 Purpose Of The Presentation To inform To persuade

3 What makes an effective speaker? Control of news The voice The right words Use of body language Prompts, scripts and notes The right location Useful aids

4 Control of news Know your subject well Know what you are talking about Practice More practice More reharsal - infront of the mirror - infront of a family - infront of colleagues or friends Believing in yourself Know your opening by heart

5 The Voice C: Clear- the use of simple,easily understood words and phrases L: Loud (enough)- it is important that everyone can hear you A: Assertive- A bright and confident air born of knowledge of the subject and good preparation P: Pause- it is essential to allow the listeners to digest what you have said

6 The Rights Words What you say and how you say it is always the key to a successful presentation: P- state your position or reasons for this R- give at least one example or explanation E- give at least one example or explanation P- restate your position or point

7 Use of body Language Use your hands for valuable aid Make eye contact

8 Notes The cards should not be completed until the script has beeb drafted Underline the words that will best remind you what you want to say. Use one card for each heading or sub- heading

9 The right location Room Seating Lighting Power Point (computer)/overhead projection Distractions

10 Useful Aids We remember 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we see and hear

11 A Visual Aid Purposes: To make, explain or identify a point or process To emphasize,clarify or rainforce a point or process To remind, summarize or review a point o process

12 Introduction: Introduce yourself Give outline of the presentation State your aim

13 Closing Summary: Attentive at the begining Less attentive at the middle More attentive at the end Say what you are say Say it Say it again Time (min.10, max.12minutes)

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