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Solutions to Streamline Your Business Processes Ways to ‘Lean’ your organization processes and workflow.

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Presentation on theme: "Solutions to Streamline Your Business Processes Ways to ‘Lean’ your organization processes and workflow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solutions to Streamline Your Business Processes Ways to ‘Lean’ your organization processes and workflow

2 Introduction

3 Presentation Objectives Gain an understanding of Process Lean definitions, Lean in the workplace 10,000 ft view of Mapping Discussion of ‘D.O.W.N.T.I.M.E’ Setting goals and expectations for your organization Discussion of Document Management – Features

4 The Importance of Process Everyday we interact with a process  Prepare documents, deliver reports, plan vacations, shopping lists, arrange meals etc… Most organizational problems have their root cause in process  Often times people are thought to be the problem rather than the process itself  85% of organizational issues are process related rather than personnel issues

5 What exactly is a process? A group of activities that leads to some output or result The means by which work gets done A mechanism that creates or delivers value to a customer  APQC (American Productivity and Quality Center) compiled Process Framework Classification (PFC) charting

6 Symptoms of a Broken Process Customers are unhappy Things take too long Not right the first time We keep changing people and problems still exist High frustration factor Variable output results High number of checking and reviewing Throw money at problems without results Inventory and asset buffers Finger pointing between personnel and departments Information redundancy and rekeying Complexity, exceptions and special cases ‘Firefighting’ problems Changing of procedures to expedite work

7 Dear, can you please make me some toast? (or at least explain ‘Lean’ to me!)

8 Process….Lean….What now? Determine the Process to ‘Lean’ Key Players  20/60/20 People Organizational Goals Individual Goals Upper Level Management ‘Buy-in’ Mapping

9 Mapping 101 Determine one process to map Begin with a Macro Map (10,000 ft view) Involve your key players to layout the workflow using ‘swim lanes’ as departmental separators ‘As Is’ is a reality check for your organization Involve your staff to share their ideas and frustrations ‘To Be’ mapping should be limitless in ideas


11 Is my ‘To Be’ too good? Shoot high and let reality set in  Pie in the sky ideas usually end up missing an ingredient, but can taste just fine when it’s done cooking! Is it easy, seamless and inexpensive? Value/Impact Easy/Difficult high low CheapExpensive Slam dunk No way

12 DOWNTIME Eight waste classifications: Defects – Mistakes, errors (Order entry) Overproducing – Producing items before the next person in the process is ready for (purchasing items before they are needed, reports before they are needed) Waiting – Item/Work stops in a process (waiting on approvals or information from customer) Non-Utilized People – employee creativity and abilities not utilized (micromanaging, lack of input)

13 DOWNTIME Transportation – movement of information or paperwork Inventory – supplies in excess, batch processing Motion – Movement of people in waste because of poor logistics (copier placement) Extra Processing – Having to do more than is needed (rekeying data, extra copies or reports)

14 Solution… Show me results! Important Issues with my ‘To Be’  Save Time  Save $$$$$  Consistent output and results  Improved quality and profitability  Faster more efficient PROCESS!

15 The Process Facilitator Role Set agenda/meetings Update senior management on progress and problems! Partner with project manager on issues Enforce rules on compliance Evaluate the performance metrics Meet with department heads regarding issues, conflicts and priorities Meet with people in the process Design strategy for ‘to be’ model and test strategy Coach and train staff on implementation

16 Thanks…..Any Questions?

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