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So…..what is Advanced Manufacturing? Advanced Manufacturing is: The utilisation of enabling technologies, incorporating design and business process innovation.

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2 So…..what is Advanced Manufacturing?

3 Advanced Manufacturing is: The utilisation of enabling technologies, incorporating design and business process innovation to deliver high value-added processes and products in ways that are novel and competitive. Advanced Manufacturing is: The utilisation of enabling technologies, incorporating design and business process innovation to deliver high value-added processes and products in ways that are novel and competitive. There are many definitions, but NAMIG uses:

4 So what does that mean? Let’s break it down

5 Industries using advanced technology which enable them to achieve the result they want more effectively and efficiently. For example: –using keyhole surgery doctors can now perform some procedures with only a 5-15mm incision; –manufacturers can use “robots” to perform high-precision jobs such as welding and riveting; –farmers can use GPS technology to monitor the application of fertilisers and pesticides, map fields and mark areas of disease or weed infestation. The utilisation of enabling technologies…

6 …incorporating design and business process innovation… Using new and improved methods to design their product and operate their business. For example: –Using lean manufacturing principles a factory uses the minimum amount of manpower, materials, money, machines, space etc to get the job done on time.

7 …high value-added processes and products… Incorporating manufacturing processes and techniques that add value to the end product, for example: –A German company Manitowac launched a brand-new technology in the world's lifting industry with its new telescopic mobile crane. The crane can be used in locations where height and mobilisation is a key issue, such as erecting wind turbines or working on industrial or city centre sites

8 …ways that are novel and competitive. Incorporating new methods or utilising new materials that will give their business the edge in terms of competitiveness or quality, for example: –Coopers Brewery’s state-of-the-art brewhouse design employs cutting edge technology which combines energy conservation and yield efficiency. –Power for the Brewhouse is produced on site by a 4.4MWatt, natural gas, cogeneration plant. Excess power is put back into the domestic power grid.

9 So in summary…. Advanced Manufacturing is all about: –Using technologies and techniques to optimise the product design and the manufacturing process, creating a quality end product that is cost effective to produce and competitive in its market.

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