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Company Support. 246 Number of companies that closed from 1883 to 1893, company support has always been needed.

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1 Company Support

2 246 Number of companies that closed from 1883 to 1893, company support has always been needed.

3 Glasgow Battalion founded: 1885

4 Breakdown by country  England82  Scotland30  NI13  Wales 1  Republic of Ireland 1

5 Role of Battalions The Battalion Council shall act to promote the interests of the Brigade in its area by organising activities for members; by the provision of support, training and opportunities for fellowship for Leaders; and by seeking opportunities for development of the Brigade to fulfil its Object better. (Brigade regulations clause 38)

6 What companies need support?

7 Problems on horizon Relationship the wrong way round? Meetings, meetings, meetings! Lack of time? No clearly defined role? Smaller companies? Traditional set up

8 Battalion Targets Company Support Training Development Publicity Activities / Competitions QB / DofE/ Seniors Fellowship

9 Discussion points  How can we make greater use of Battalions?  What relationship should Battalions have with HQ?  What support do Battalions need?  Can we introduce new ways of working?

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