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SG meeting - 14.11.2013, CERN International Masterclasses 2014 Status Central Coordination Uta Bilow, Ken Cecire.

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Presentation on theme: "SG meeting - 14.11.2013, CERN International Masterclasses 2014 Status Central Coordination Uta Bilow, Ken Cecire."— Presentation transcript:

1 SG meeting - 14.11.2013, CERN International Masterclasses 2014 Status Central Coordination Uta Bilow, Ken Cecire

2 International Masterclasses 2014 37 countries, 160 institutes New: Firenze, Pavia (IT) Warsaw Technical University (PO) Waterford (IE) …

3 Registration (so far) Period: 12.3. – 12.4.2014 (4,5 weeks = 24 days) (22 in 2013) dates were announced already in July Registration open since 24.10.2013, procedure announced in advance separate doodles for each measurement slots chosen by orga team, maximum of 2 slots per date 2 exceptions: –ALICE: dates were investigated beforehand with institutes –LHCb: separate orga for 2014  Vava 40 video conferences with CERN (36) 108 institutes registered for CERN-VC (129) 132 Masterclasses with CERN-VC (158) –ALICE: 11 (10) –ATLAS W: 39 (50) –ATLAS Z: 51 (58) –CMS: 32 (40)

4 Organisation Central Coordination Coordination Fermilab-based: Ken Coordination CERN-based: Uta Joint Internet presence  2 maps (world / Europe)  Logos from all main funders  Include all VCs in 1 schedule Steering group  Nicolas Arnaud (consultant)  Ralf Averbeck (ALICE R_AA)  Uta Bilow (coord.)  Ken Cecire (coord. and CMS)  Yiota Foka (ALICE)  Vladimir Gligorov (LHCb)  Despina Hatzifotiadou (ALICE S.P.)  Michael Kobel (project leader and ATLAS W)  Farid Ould-Saada (ATLAS Z)  Pete Watkins (consultant)

5 WG Video Conference Members: Kate Shaw Marzena Lapka Michael Hauschild Uta Bilow Tasks: evaluate feedback work on further improvement of material and concept for CERN-VC Training for moderators

6 Presentation on the Web Physics content Update of measurements, amount varies! Translations by IPPOG members (ATLAS: translation tool) Deadlines! (see approval doc) 4.Each measurement has to provide a package with program and datasets for the IMC website before Jan 15. If translations by IPPOG members are requested the deadline is Nov 15. 5.Guidelines for local organizers and material for moderators have to be provided by Jan 31. Material for local organisators / moderators (stored in various places) Instructions for local org. + supporting material, e.g. cheat sheets, videos Manual for video conference Manual for moderators Twiki for moderators based on manual

7 PR / communication Press release en and de Spread via institutes, national responsibles and other channels (e.g. CERN, Fermilab, Social Media Help of EPPCN (session tomorrow)

8 FNAL-based Masterclasses 2013 ATLAS 8 institutes in U.S. 4 institutes outside U.S. All did Z measurement. CMS 12 institutes in U.S. 5 institutes outside U.S. All did W/Z measurement.

9 But, wait, there is more… Australian Masterclass, 3 rd Oct 2013 Melbourne Sydney Adelaide, and… Medford MA ATLAS Z path 14:30 in Australia Midnight in U.S. Thanks Ben Auerbach!

10 Expansion initiative for 2014 Americas more in U.S. ~ 5 outside U.S. workshops? Beyond Australia returns more in Asia?

11 Fermilab Videoconferences Features: Crew of 3-4: Facilitator Moderator (FNAL/ANL) Tech (Featured scientist) Icebreaker questions No quiz Results: Vidyo worked well No “bad” videoconferences

12 New idea to promote discussion between institutes Each institute assigned to question one other Based on comments from Vancouver Tried with Australian masterclass – positve feedback Try again! Fermilab Videoconferences

13 New Masterclass Library …. still in progress.

14 Looking forward to International Masterclasses 2014!

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