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Primary Monetary Policy Tools Jill Student Jack Deskoccupier Dan Intheclouds Joanie Willgraduatesoon Austrian Economics May Term 2015 Professor Hal Snarr.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Monetary Policy Tools Jill Student Jack Deskoccupier Dan Intheclouds Joanie Willgraduatesoon Austrian Economics May Term 2015 Professor Hal Snarr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Monetary Policy Tools Jill Student Jack Deskoccupier Dan Intheclouds Joanie Willgraduatesoon Austrian Economics May Term 2015 Professor Hal Snarr Westminster College

2 Q DRDR 0 SRSR i ff Interest on reserves – In 10/08, the Fed began paying interest on reserves (i or ) Federal Funds Market 1.5 0.5 Primary Monetary Policy Tools

3 Q 0.5 DRDR -0.9 0 SRSR i ff Crisis mode 0.5 Interest on reserves – In 10/08, the Fed began paying interest on reserves (i or ) – After the Fed purchased of trillions of dollars in securities, reserves supply increased – The federal funds rate may have went negative. – Setting interest on reserves put a price floor on the federal funds rate Federal Funds Market 1.5 Primary Monetary Policy Tools

4 Q DRDR SRSR i ff Federal Funds Market Interest on reserves – In 10/08, the Fed began paying interest on reserves (i or ) – After the Fed purchased of trillions of dollars in securities, reserves supply increased – The federal funds rate may have went negative. – Crisis mode allows the Fed to buy or sell as many securities as it wants without changing the federal funds rate. 0 1.5 0.5 Primary Monetary Policy Tools

5 Q DRDR SRSR i ff Federal Funds Market Interest on reserves – In 10/08, the Fed began paying interest on reserves (i or ) – After the Fed purchased of trillions of dollars in securities, reserves supply increased – The federal funds rate may have went negative. – Crisis mode allows the Fed to buy or sell as many securities as it wants without changing the federal funds rate. 0 1.5 0.5 Primary Monetary Policy Tools

6 Q DRDR SRSR i ff Federal Funds Market Interest on reserves – In 10/08, the Fed began paying interest on reserves (i or ) – After the Fed purchased of trillions of dollars in securities, reserves supply increased – The federal funds rate may have went negative. – Crisis mode allows the Fed to buy or sell as many securities as it wants without changing the federal funds rate. 0 1.5 0.5 Primary Monetary Policy Tools

7 Q DRDR SRSR i ff Federal Funds Market Interest on reserves – In 10/08, the Fed began paying interest on reserves (i or ) – After the Fed purchased of trillions of dollars in securities, reserves supply increased – The federal funds rate may have went negative. – Crisis mode allows the Fed to buy or sell as many securities as it wants without changing the federal funds rate. 0 1.5 0.5 Primary Monetary Policy Tools

8 i ff Federal Funds Market Interest on reserves Q DRDR SRSR – In 10/08, the Fed began paying interest on reserves (i or ) – After the Fed purchased of trillions of dollars in securities, reserves supply increased – The federal funds rate may have went negative. – Crisis mode allows the Fed to buy or sell as many securities as it wants without changing the federal funds rate. 0 1.5 0.5 Primary Monetary Policy Tools

9 i ff Federal Funds Market Q DRDR SRSR – The Fed raises the federal funds rate by announcing a hike in i or and i d Interest on reserves 1.5 0.5 0 2.75 1.75 Primary Monetary Policy Tools

10 3 4 SRSR Federal Funds Market – The Fed lowers the federal funds rate by announcing reductions in i or and i d – To go back to normal mode, the Fed will allow reserves demand to rise (via economic growth), conduct several controlled OMSs, and adjust i or higher and higher, while it monitors inflation – The Fed raises the federal funds rate by announcing a hike in i or and i d Interest on reserves 1.5 0.5 i ff Q 0 Primary Monetary Policy Tools

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