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Sub Plans: 12.5.12 Start with the video to overview lesson – Click Here Click Here Use PowerPoint for the questions after instruction – Slide 10 Done Early.

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Presentation on theme: "Sub Plans: 12.5.12 Start with the video to overview lesson – Click Here Click Here Use PowerPoint for the questions after instruction – Slide 10 Done Early."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sub Plans: 12.5.12 Start with the video to overview lesson – Click Here Click Here Use PowerPoint for the questions after instruction – Slide 10 Done Early – Have student study the flashcards posted on my website My Pages – Vocabulary Help Minerals – Minerals – Mining

2 Bell Ringer: 12.5.12 Write down or put in an alarm on your phone about the test on FRIDAY! TEST …… on MINERALS…… FRIDAY!!!!

3 Learning Targets What are you learning? – I will understand what information is required for the test. How will we know if we were successful? – I will have completed the game, 1 versus 100, as an ACTIVE participant.

4 iPad Policies iPad are a tool to help improve and assist in the learning of material in the classroom. If the iPad is not being used as a productive tool, you will be asked to put it away. What will you do? – Use good ole’ fashion pencil and paper!!!


6 The rules One person (known as “1”) will be chosen to compete against the rest of the class (known as “100”) 10 points are added to the “bank” with every question the “1” gets correct.

7 The rules When a question is asked, the”1” and the “100” have 15 seconds to record their answer on a whiteboard through EduCreations app. – When I say, “Fingers-up” (since you are drawing or writing with your finger) you must stop writing. Those who get it correct remain standing. Those who get it wrong must sit back down.

8 The rules “1” wins the bank points by eliminating all of the competition. If the “1” gets an answer wrong, all remaining “100” (those who are still standing) split the points.

9 The person with the most points at the end of class is the

10 Questions

11 Write down all four requirements for a substance to be determined as a mineral. 1.Solid 2.Nonliving 3.Repeating pattern or crystalline structure 4.Made in nature

12 True or False - The powder of the mineral match the color of the mineral. False, the color may have changed due to different things it has been exposed to, such as, water or air.

13 Give an example of reclamation. Answer may vary! – Replanting of trees or fixing habitat – Protecting water sources – Reforming land (so it is not hazardous – Etc…

14 Metallic and Non-metallic are two categories of this Luster

15 Determine which the type of breakage this rock exhibits, cleavage or fracture. Fracture, curved edge or irregular surface!

16 Define Streak. The powder that is left behind when a mineral is rubbed on a streak plate.

17 What is the hardness of a mineral? The ability to resist a scratch

18 Determine which the type of breakage this rock exhibits, cleavage or fracture. Cleavage, smooth and flat surfaces!

19 True or False: Rocks are always minerals. False, may be made up of minerals but some rocks are made of LIVING things (so it can’t be a mineral).

20 Determine which the type of breakage this rock exhibits, cleavage or fracture. Fracture, irregular edge!

21 Determine which the type of breakage this rock exhibits, cleavage or fracture. Cleavage, smooth and flat surfaces!

22 How do you calculate density? Mass divided by volume (the amount of mass in a particular amount of space – broken heart)

23 What is a potential negative of mining? Answers may vary: Environmental impacts

24 What type of luster does this mineral exhibit? Nonmetallic

25 Draw what happens to the orbit of a planet if it speeds up in its orbit. Fly into outer space (inertia increases)

26 What is the best way to reduce the need for mining? Recycle

27 Name 4 different minerals and a use for each one! Answers may vary! – Have students prove it if you are unsure by looking it up on the iPad

28 Open pit mining is an example of this type of mining. Surface

29 What is the scale we use to test hardness Mohs Hardness Scale: 1-10

30 Going back in time, what is the difference between chemical and physical changes? Chemical changes create a NEW substance Physical change stays the SAME substance, just look different.

31 What type of luster does this mineral exhibit? Metallic

32 What is the key thing that make a mineral an ore? The ability to mine it for MONEY

33 Draw what would happen if the gravity between the Earth and the Sun decreased. Fly into outer space (not as much gravity holding it in place)

34 This may change due to impurities in the mineral. Color

35 Draw what would happen if the gravity between the Earth and the Sun decreased. Fly into outer space (not as much gravity holding it in place)

36 Done Early – Go on my website to get to the vocabulary words on quizlet Steps: – My Pages – Vocabulary Help – Minerals » Minerals » Mining

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