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Assumptions about causes: Same as physical illness  Brain anatomy  Infection  Neurotransmitters/Chemical imbalance  Genetics.

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2 Assumptions about causes: Same as physical illness  Brain anatomy  Infection  Neurotransmitters/Chemical imbalance  Genetics

3 Chemical imbalance too high too low  Levels of chemicals in brain too high or too low  These chemicals transmit signals between nerves  Chemicals called neurotransmitters

4 Vesicles release neurotransmitter into synaptic cleft

5 Neurotransmitter binds to receptors & activates them

6 Enzymes are released to break down the neurotransmitter

7 Excess neurotransmitter is taken up by the pre-synaptic neuron

8 Vesicles are replenished with new & reused neurotransmitter

9 Chemical imbalance neurotransmitters  Levels of neurotransmitters may be too high or too low serotonin  Depression- too low serotonin dopamine  Schizophrenia – too high dopamine

10 Infection  Bacteria and viruses may lead to mental disorders  streptococcus infection has been linked to OCD in some children  glandular feveranorexia  glandular fever linked to anorexia  (only 4 patients)  Today Show Saving Sammy PANDAS - YouTube Today Show Saving Sammy PANDAS - YouTube

11 Neuroanatomy  Damage to brain structures birthinjury  May be abnormal from birth or due to injury hypothalamus  E.g. hypothalamus role in eating disorders  Ventricles and schizophenia Evidence Evidence:  In mice if hypothalamus cut they either starve or overeat

12 Mouse lesion hypothalamus


14 Schizophrenic twins

15 Genes DNA  inherit a tendency for mental disorders in DNA from parents  Tested using:  Family studies e.g. schizophrenia 18x more likely if 1 st degree relative with it  Twin studies  Twin studies e.g. Comparing MZ (identical) & DZ twins  Concordance rates (both have disorder)  Anorexia MZ 56%, DZ 7%  Bipolar disorder MZ= 80%, DZ= 16%  Gene Found At The Root of Hair-Pulling Disorder - YouTube Gene Found At The Root of Hair-Pulling Disorder - YouTube

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