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+ Nouns and Definite Articles Chapter 2.2 Grammar.

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1 + Nouns and Definite Articles Chapter 2.2 Grammar

2 + In Spanish, all nouns belong to one of two gender categories: -MASCULINE (usually end in –o) -FEMININE (usually end in –a) carro (car): masculine fruta (fruit): feminine

3 + Singular nouns name one of something. Plural nouns name more than one of something.

4 + If a singular noun ends in a VOWEL, add –s estudiante  estudiantes If a singular noun ends in a CONSONANT, add –es animal  animales

5 + Definite articles are the word THE in Spanish. In English we only have 1 definite article (the). In Spanish, there are 4: MASCULINEFEMININE singular ella plural loslas

6 + ¿Quiénes son las muchachas allí? Who are the girls over there? Son las compañeras de clase de Rafael. They are the Rafael’s classmates.

7 + Use definite articles to talk about a noun as a general category or when saying what you like with GUSTAR! ¿Cómo es la pizza? What’s pizza (in general) like? Es deliciosa. Me gusta la pizza. It’s delicious. I like pizza.

8 + PRACTICA TAREA: Complete the NOUNS and DEFINITE articles WS It is due when you walk in tomorrow

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