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Sick Sinus Syndrome. Description Your sinus node controls the rhythm of the heart. It sends electrical impulses across the atria to the ventricles, making.

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Presentation on theme: "Sick Sinus Syndrome. Description Your sinus node controls the rhythm of the heart. It sends electrical impulses across the atria to the ventricles, making."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sick Sinus Syndrome

2 Description Your sinus node controls the rhythm of the heart. It sends electrical impulses across the atria to the ventricles, making the heart contract and pump blood throughout the body. Sick sinus syndrome is when the body’s sinus node doesn’t work properly, causing your body to have an abnormal heart beat; it either beats too slow, too fast or a combination of both.

3 Causes Causes of sick sinus syndrome are heart surgery, diseases that cause scarring or damage to the conduction system Medicines used to treat high blood pressure, heart disease or anything that affects the heart. As you age, your heart becomes older and less efficient

4 symtoms Chest pain Confusion or memory loss Shortness of breath Strokes Heart Attacks Light headedness

5 Statistics 3 of every 5000 people with bradycardia (slow heart beat) have Sick sinus syndrome 1 of every 600 cardiac patients over 60 years old have sick sinus syndrome

6 DiagnosisDiagnosis The diagnosis may take long or difficult b/c of the slow cause of the syndrome It is likely undetected in earlier stages because it is shown at its orgins ECG are used to diagnose this condition

7 Treatment Artificial Pace Maker AV Node Ablation Radio Frequency Ablation Medication Supplemental Oxygen Cardiac Monitoring Intravenous Atropine Intravenous Access

8 Description of technologies Artificial Pace Maker – A small battery powered electronic device that is implanted under the skin. The pace maker helps stimulate the heart so it can beat properly. AV Node Ablation It involves applying radiofrequency energy through the tubes to destroy it’s tissues b/t the ventricle and atria. This helps because it stops the heart rate from reaching the ventricles faster. Radiofrequency ablation- quite similar to AV node but the difference is the ablation target the tissues that cause atria fibrillation

9 Issues/Drawbacks Area of Concerns Discomfort and pain Can get affected if exposed to electromagnetic fields May get affected with radio frequency

10 Advantages of technologies Stimulates the pace of your heart, to keep it beating normally You can participate in normal activities and live without always worrying Reduces the risk of heart attacks/ heart failures Very low chance of complications from using technologies

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