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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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1 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Chapters 19 and 20

2 The River

3 Chapter 19 2 con artists The Duke and dauphin
Younger man = tooth paste con artist Older man = temperance drinker The Duke and dauphin Younger = Duke Older = son of Louis XVI

4 Chapter 19 Think and Respond Questions
Why are Huck and Jim so powerless to the men? What images are used to create the description in the beginning of chapter 19?

5 Chapters 20, 21, 22 Think-Pair-Share
What do we learn about the attitudes, beliefs, and personal qualities of the duke and the dauphin from their words and actions? In what way is the characterization of the duke and the king satiric? Consider their claims about their lineage, their acting, and the faulty historical and literary allusions they make. What is Twain suggesting by having the king and the duke pull their first “con” at a religious revival? Use evidence to explain how Twain characterizes the Arkansas townspeople. What is the author’s purpose in portraying them as he does?

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