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By: Vickie Le 3 rd hour. S S The setting in “The Giver” takes place in various places in a community that the main character, Jonas lives in. The novel.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Vickie Le 3 rd hour. S S The setting in “The Giver” takes place in various places in a community that the main character, Jonas lives in. The novel."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Vickie Le 3 rd hour

2 S

3 S The setting in “The Giver” takes place in various places in a community that the main character, Jonas lives in. The novel changes setting very often. This community which Jonas lives in is similar to our environment, but not completely. The community consists of an Auditorium; where ceremonies' are held for the public. An birthing center; where birthmothers are taken care of. A childcare center; where young children are taken care of during the day. An plaza known as Central plaza. A Nurturing Center where children under age 3 are taken care of. And lastly a company named Food Distribution which distributes food for all locals in the community. There are also other centers for multiple purposes such as a clinic for those who are sick. At the end of the book the setting takes place in the wild, forest near a road where bushes are nearby. A hill of snow and trees full of colored lights are also introduced in the very end of the story. 8142630/title/christmas-tree-wallpaper- wallpaper

4 C

5 Jonas Jonas is the main and major character in this science fiction novel. The story introduces Jonas as a eleven year old boy but as time passes Jonas becomes a twelve year old young man. For every twelve year old, each boy or girl is assigned a job for the rest of their life. Jonas is given the job of “Receiver Of Memory” which is an extremely important job in the community. It was rare that Jonas was given this job. Jonas has pale eyes which is also rare in this community. Jonas is a very timid boy. He is also shy, honest and well-behaved. Jonas understands very well, is easily nervous and scared but also adventurous, he is known as a very intelligent student, known as the top student in his school. He has a strong imagination and is very curious about anything. As Jonas describes his thoughts, you will think of him as a brave and bold boy and very determined into what is instructed for him to do. Jonas is thought of a kind and thoughtful person. C

6 Fiona Eleven year old Fiona is a female friend of Jonas. She has long bright red hair and dark eyes. Is talkative and likes to express her experiences such as her training in the House of the Old as a Caretaker. Also the girl in which Jonas has a crush on. A good student and well-behaved can describe Fiona. Fiona is also a well-mannered and quiet girl, but is a fun and an enjoyable person to be around. In the story Fiona is a minor character. Fiona is given the job of an “Caretaker” in the House of the Old. 3290971/?page=3&postId=96946455#post_96946455&link=ibaf&q=&imgurl= m/thumbs/1c/bf/girl,red,hair-1cbf8b5b5581fe4aa48e60fe8d985891_h.jpg C

7 The Giver The Giver is a major, protagonist, and every now and then a dynamic character. The Giver was the previous “Receiver Of Memory”. He is honest and thoughtful. The Giver can be thought as a outgoing, nice, and decent person. His appearance can be described as an old man but not as old as those in his community thinks. The Giver is also a wise man but very emotional. This man has gone through a hard and rough phase in his life because of the job he was assigned to. He is in the process of teaching Jonas to become the future “Receiver Of Memory”. This wise man had experienced the job of “Receiver Of Memory” for several years causing his knowledge to be higher than the rest of the community because of the memories he hold that others don’t. C

8 Asher Asher is a minor and static character. Asher is known in the community as a fun, energetic, and foolish boy. He is also Jonas’s talkative and silly friend. At the moment he was born till now he has always been happy. Such as, when the community to the story about Asher as a toddler; he would laugh not cry while other toddlers did. Though Asher may be foolish he knows his priorities and responsibility. An example may be when Asher apologized to his classmates and teacher for his late arrival to the classroom, which occurred early in the story. Asher wasn’t sure of his serious interests, he always made a game of out everything that surrounded him. Has dark eyes like everyone else in his community. Later in the book Asher is assigned the job “Assistant Of Recreation”. C

9 Lily Jonas’s little sister is called by the name Lily. Although they are not blood related, they were raised in the same household and are siblings according to the community. Lily is a very creative and talkative girl. Lily is often careless and friendly but can be rude at times. She is easily excited and loves new children. Lily wears ribbons usually red but always get scolded by her parents for having them get loose. She wishes to be assigned the job of a Birthmother but is then taught that birthmothers are given very little honor in the community and decides later what she really hopes to be assigned. This character is a minor and static. review.html C

10 Gabriel Gabriel is the new child that is staying with Jonas’s family for a few weeks or so. He has pale eyes just like Jonas does. He is a very well behaved child in the day but very difficult to care for in the nighttime. Jonas soon becomes interested and attached to this child. Gabriel is given memories from Jonas that was given by The Giver to rest peacefully. Gabriel is a very charming and adorable toddler as described in the story. As Gabriel grows older, his hair becomes golden curls and often repeats what he sees or hear from others when speaking. Gabriel is a minor character. C

11 Figurative Language Imagery- “…I don’t have the right boyishness or something.” p47 “Tiny, cold, featherlike feelings peppered his body and face.”p80 “He entered the bathing room with its warm moist air and scent of cleansing lotions.”p29 “The hill was steep but the snow was powdery and soft…”p178 Foreshadowing- “Reassuringly she placed her arm across his tense shoulders.”p60 “…Memories need to be shared…having you here with me over the past year has made me realize that things must change.”p154

12 F Simile- “It was not as exciting as the ride through the snowy air…”p85 “…the snow beneath the sled was not thick and soft as it has been before, but hard, and coated with blush ice.”p108 Metaphor- “It's raining men” ( Alliteration- “…they would be snipping and straightening the hastily done haircuts,…”p46

13 F Personification- “My computer throws a fit every time I try to use it.” ( “The phone awakened with a mighty ring.” ( Onomatopoeia- “Ooops,”she whispered.”p22 “Psssheewwww!”p132 “Owwww,” he said, wincing at the shift, and even moving his mouth to speak made his face hurt.p86

14 P Plot

15 Rising action is the major event in which everything becomes exciting and interesting; where the action starts; the part where it catches the readers attention and the reader understands that they are being introduced to a problem or something that needs to be solved. Rising action usually occurs somewhat in the beginning of the story or for sure before the climax. Jonas is selected to be the “Receiver of Memories” at the age of 12. He begins is training and I introduced to memories never mentioned before. Jonas then feels that his new perspective of things that surround him should be shared among all the people in his community. P

16 Jonas is influenced by The Giver that the fact that the people chose “sameness” was the right decision. Jonas is understanding the way everything in his community was organized and understanding why. But is then influenced by The Giver that keeping these memories to themselves for the peoples sake was not fair and had many disadvantages for those that are chosen to be the “Receiver of Memory”. The Giver convinces Jonas to go on out of the community and explore while keeping in mind he memories he carry, by doing so, without a “Receiver of Memory” in the community, the memories Jonas were given are going to be recognized by the people of the community. After leaving the community, Jonas is not allowed to return. In order to do this all, Jonas creates a plan with The Giver, Jonas also takes Gabriel along because the day Jonas decided to leave was the day Gabriel was ordered to be released and Jonas personally loved Gabriel as a brother. Climax is when the reader is understanding the problem being solved better and everything is starting to make sense, when an intense event occurs in place and becoming closer to the falling action. P

17 Falling action is when every is falling in to place or in other words the problem is solved because of the actions occurred, the ending is understood and the solution is understood by the reader. P Jonas follows his plan and is able to leave the community with Gabriel without getting caught, he then experiences a hard time living in the wild with no food and shelter. Jonas tries his methods to making his own food so that both himself and Gabriel won’t starve. As time passes, Jonas reaches a hill seen from far and decides to climb up with Gabriel with all his might because he knew something good was going to happen. Once Jonas finally reaches the top with Gabriel they see the same the memory that was given to Jonas by The Giver. Jonas is happy and satisfied with what he has come upon. They look around and explore the new world they have been introduced to. The time of year if Christmas.

18 C onflict Man v. Society- When Jonas doesn’t understand why the community chose “sameness” and feels that they shouldn’t have done so. Man v. nature- When Jonas was frustrated and regretful that he shouldn’t have left his community because he was starving and not sheltered. Man v. fate – Jonas feels that why did he have to be chosen to be the “Receiver of Memory”.

19 Theme & Resolution TR

20 The moral or theme of The Giver is that always have confidence and do things you think are fair and right for yourself and others. In the book the author described Jonas's feelings when he discovered new memories from The Giver; those feelings were unfairness, excitement, sadness, pain, etc but Jonas had the confidence to speak out to the giver and ask why the community chose “sameness”. In the story this quote can support my opinion “The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.”p154 The resolution of this book was that Jonas leaves the community for the better and experiences a new life with different challenges and enters a new world of new people and rules.

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