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Native American Trickster Tales. Tricksters Trickster: a mischievous figure in myth or folklore typically makes up for physical weakness with cunning.

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Presentation on theme: "Native American Trickster Tales. Tricksters Trickster: a mischievous figure in myth or folklore typically makes up for physical weakness with cunning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native American Trickster Tales

2 Tricksters Trickster: a mischievous figure in myth or folklore typically makes up for physical weakness with cunning and subversive humor alternates between cleverness and stupidity, kindness and cruelty, deceiver and deceived, breaker of taboos and creator of culture.

3 Tricksters the vulgar but sacred Trickster assumes many forms: Old-Man Coyote, Raven, The Tricky One, e.g. tricksters alternately scandalize/disgusts, amuses/disrupt, chastise/ humiliate (or are humiliated by) the animal—proto-people of pre-history also a creative force transforming the world, sometimes in bizarre and outrageous ways

4 Tricksters represents most basic instincts (eternally scavenging for food) in some narratives, he is the father of the Indian people and a potent conductor of spiritual forces in the form of sacred dreams

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