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AppNexus Classroom Training Demand-Side Setup Intended Audience: Buyers new to AppNexus Console v11. July 26, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "AppNexus Classroom Training Demand-Side Setup Intended Audience: Buyers new to AppNexus Console v11. July 26, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 AppNexus Classroom Training Demand-Side Setup Intended Audience: Buyers new to AppNexus Console v11. July 26, 2012

2 Introductions Your Name Company Name What you’re hoping to learn 2

3 z z Today’s Agenda Overview Workflow Network Advertiser Pixels Creatives Trackers Line Item Campaign 3 Tracking & Performance Sell-Side Preview

4 Overview 4  AppNexus Universe  How RTB Buying Works  Benefits of AppNexus Console  Workflow  Network  Advertiser  Conversion Pixels  Creatives  Trackers  Line Item  Campaign  Tracking & Performance  Sell-Side Preview  Recap

5 Supply Demand 5 AppNexus Universe

6 The AppNexus Advantage 6 A single platform to address the needs that previously required the use of multiple platforms. One integrated platform with centralized access to all RTB inventory sources fully built out sell-side and buy-side controls ability to target both direct and 3 rd -party inventory through one campaign optimization tools granular reporting data campaign monitoring tools

7 Auction Activity How does RTB Buying Work? Learn the mechanics of how RTB buying works by participating in a mock auction led by your instructor. 7 Now You Try It

8 Overview  Network  Advertiser  Conversion Pixels  Creatives  Trackers  Line Item  Campaign  Tracking & Performance  Sell-Side Preview  Recap Workflow 8  The Buy-Side Hierarchy in Console

9 Network Buy-Side Hierarchy 9

10 Console Activity Log into Console and follow your instructor’s demonstration of campaign setup and related concepts. 10 Follow Along

11 11  Domain Lists  Supply Partners  Audience  Tools  Users Overview Workflow  Advertiser  Conversion Pixels  Creatives  Trackers  Line Item  Campaign  Tracking & Performance  Sell-Side Preview  Recap Network  White List  Black List  Trust Levels  Eligibility  Third-Party Data  Segment Pixels  Buying Filters  Safety Budgets

12 Platform-Reviewed: trust only platform- audited inventory Seller-Reviewed: trust platform- and seller-audited inventory set medium trust for supply partners who you know will accurately self- audit their inventory All: trust all quality and categories, including unknown unknown inventory has no classification or inventory quality settings Trust Levels Apply trust levels to partners from whom you wish to buy inventory. 12

13 Workbook Activity Turn to your workbook to check your understanding of Network level settings Activity 1: Network Terms Word Game Page 3 13 Let's Review

14 14  Create an Advertiser Overview Workflow Network  Conversion Pixels  Creatives  Trackers  Line Item  Campaign  Tracking & Performance  Sell-Side Preview  Recap Advertiser  Time zone  Currency  Insertion order  User frequency  Billing information  Reporting labels

15 15  Pixel types  Conversion Pixel  Segment Pixel  Piggy-Back Pixel Overview Workflow Network Advertiser  Creatives  Trackers  Line Item  Campaign  Tracking & Performance  Sell-Side Preview  Recap Pixel  Trigger Type  Post-View/Click Interval  Repeat Conversions  Remarketing  Expiration

16 Pixel Types 1.Conversion Pixel Track if a user action (registering for a service or making a purchase) can be attributed to viewing an ad (Used in CPA campaigns) 16 22. Segment Pixel Track users’ browsing history and place users into segments 3. Piggyback Pixel Notify a non-AppNexus ad server about conversion events or user segmentation

17 a Publisher’s Site How Segment and Conversion Pixels Work User views or clicks the ad 17 Advertiser’s Site Pages User is redirected to AT&T’s site where he signs up for service. Conversion pixel “fires” telling AppNexus that an activity occurred. Segment pixel “fires” telling AppNexus this user has been to the AT&T landing page. This information could be used later to “retarget” the user for different AT&T offers. Segment pixel “fires” telling AppNexus this user has been to the AT&T landing page. This information could be used later to “retarget” the user for different AT&T offers.

18 18  Why creatives are audited  Upload creatives Overview Workflow Network Advertiser Pixels  Trackers  Line Item  Campaign  Tracking & Performance  Sell-Side Preview  Recap Creatives  Custom size  Creative budget  Creative frequency  Preview creative  Creative audit options  Declare ad server  Adding users to a segment

19 Creative Audit Publishers want to ensure that advertisements served on their sites don't detract from content or user experience Creative Audit enables Publishers to Maintain a standard of quality Ban certain creative attributes 19

20 Sherlock AppNexus automated creative scanning system All creatives registered with AppNexus are continually monitored for malware flags Monitoring begins upon upload into our system 20

21 Creatives serving on either managed or RTB can be self-audited Option to self-audit creatives served on your managed inventory to enforce publishers’ ad quality profiles AppNexus will only audit creatives that are opted into the auditing process. Self-Audit 21

22 22  Impression Tracker  Click Tracker Overview Workflow Network Advertiser Pixels Creatives  Line Item  Campaign  Tracking & Performance  Sell-Side Preview  Recap Trackers

23 23 Impression Tracker: Tracks the recording of impressions when a creative is served Click Tracker: Tracks when a user clicks on a creative and is redirected to a landing page Click Tracking setup differs for image, Flash, URL, and Third- Party creatives. Required: Associate an Impression and Click Tracker with a Line Item and Publisher. Optional: Associate an Impression or Click Tracker with a Placement and/or a Payment Rule Payment Rule: represents your financial relationship with the publisher Track your media cost and your publisher's revenue

24 24  Review of Insertion Order, Line Item & Campaign  Create a Line Item Overview Workflow Network Advertiser Pixels Creatives Trackers  Campaign  Tracking & Performance  Sell-Side Preview  Recap Line Item  Currency  Budget time period  Advertiser budget  Line Item budget  Booked revenue  Advertiser goals  Select conversion pixel  Reporting labels

25 25 Let’s Review Insertion Order (OPTIONAL) 25 Line Item Campaigns Check your understanding of Insertion Order Line Item Campaign

26 26  Review of Insertion Order, Line Item & Campaign  Buying strategy concepts  Inventory targeting concepts  Create a Campaign Overview Workflow Network Advertiser Pixels Creatives Trackers Line Item  Tracking & Performance  Sell-Side Preview  Recap Campaign  Select Line Item  Start/End dates  Campaign budget  Daily cap  Learn budget  Buying strategies  Inventory to target  Targeting criteria (include/exclude segments)

27 Buying Strategies 27 Buy Direct Inventory: Run Campaigns on your managed publishers (i.e., direct buys) When buying direct inventory, prioritize which Campaigns take precedence over others Buy Third-Party Inventory : Run Campaigns on inventory from other networks on the AppNexus platform or from 3rd-party exchanges

28 28 Let's Review Workbook Activity Turn to your workbook to check your understanding of Insertion Order Line Item & Campaign Activity 2: Review IO, Line Item & Campaign Word Game Page 5

29 Try It on Your Own Using the scenario in your workbook and your Console log in, practice the steps to set up a campaign. Activity 3: Practice on Your Own Page 7 29 Now You Try It

30 30  Console reporting  Campaign Monitor Overview Workflow Network Advertiser Pixels Creatives Trackers Line Item Campaign  Sell-Side Preview  Recap Tracking & Performance  Quick Stats  Network-wide reporting  Inventory Sources & Content Category reporting  Advertiser reporting  Real-time inventory reporting  Analyzing domains  Scheduling reports

31 Workbook Activity Turn to your workbook to check your understanding of tracking & performance in Console Activity 4: Tracking & Performance Terms Word Game Page 9 31 Let's Review

32 32  How RTB Buying Works from the Seller’s Perspective Overview Workflow Network Advertiser Pixels Creatives Trackers Line Item Campaign Tracking & Performance  Recap Sell-Side Preview

33 Network Sell-Side Hierarchy 33

34 34  What you have learned  End-of-Day Quiz  Additional resources Overview Workflow Network Advertiser Pixels Creatives Trackers Line Item Campaign Tracking & Performance Sell-Side Preview Recap

35 35 Learning Recap Overview Workflow Network Advertiser Pixels Creatives Trackers Line Item Campaign Tracking & Performance Sell-Side Preview

36 Quiz Activity Test your understanding of what you’ve learned today with a multiple- choice quiz. Your instructor will provide a link to the quiz. Select one answer per question. 36 End-of-Day Quiz

37 Thanks for attending! 37

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