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Members of Finland Parliamentary Delegation Policy Approaches into Housing in South Africa Presentation by the Department of Human Settlements.

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Presentation on theme: "Members of Finland Parliamentary Delegation Policy Approaches into Housing in South Africa Presentation by the Department of Human Settlements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Members of Finland Parliamentary Delegation Policy Approaches into Housing in South Africa Presentation by the Department of Human Settlements

2 Background At its inception, the Housing Policy and Strategy (1994) focused on: Stabilising the environment to transform the fragmented, complex and racially biased financial and institutional framework inherited from the previous government; Establishing new systems to address the housing backlogs (housing subsidy programmes). The introduction of the Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Sustainable Human Settlements, “Breaking New Ground (BNG)” signaled a shift to a demand driven approach.

3 Legislation Framework

4 The Constitution, 1996 Section 26: – Every one has the right to have access to adequate housing; – The State must take reasonable legislative and other measures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realisation of this right; – No one may be evicted from their home or have their homes demolished without an order of a Court after considering the relevant circumstances

5 Norms and Standards

6 Compliance To ensure quality and durability, all houses undertaken thought the national housing programmes must adhere to norms and standards; The minimum size of the house is 40 m 2; The house must have: – Two bedrooms – Separate bathroom with a toilet, shower and hand basin – Separate kitchen/living room – Ready board electrical installation where electricity is available.

7 Housing Finance

8 Since 1994, the Government has made more than 2.3 million housing units available to nearly 11 million people; Government’s expenditure on housing provision has increased to around R 22 billion (approximately USD 2.9 billion) for the current financial year; Housing budget is projected to grow to R26.6 billion (approximately USD 3.53 billion); The Housing backlog is approximated at over 2,1 million people.

9 Housing Subsidy The Housing Subsidy is the primary assistance measure for the National Housing Programme; The Housing Subsidy is R 55 706 (approximately 7405 US Dollars); Households with an income of up to R 3500 per month (approximately 465 US Dollars) can apply for a free housing subsidy; Households earning between R3501 and R15 000 per month (USD465 and USD1995) can apply for a subsidy linked to a loan agreement with a financial institution

10 Housing Subsidy Coupled to the provision of housing, Government also offers other basic social services package for the poor, including: – free 12 Kilolitres of water – free 100 kilowatts of electricity – free 6 Kilolitres of water for sanitation

11 Housing Subsidy System (HSS)

12 Aim of HSS To manage and administrate the housing subsidy policy ; To guide users to correctly implement the Housing Programmes; To provide adequate security controls & audit trails; To provide a reporting tool; and To monitor and evaluate the implementation of the housing subsidy programmes.

13 Responsibilities of HSS Facilitate the implementation of the Housing Subsidy Scheme mechanisms; Provide checks and balances to ensure policy adherence; Guidelines for the implementation of projects; and Supply performance-monitoring information

14 Planning Aspects

15 City planning is the responsibility of Local Municipalities; Planning systems are democratic and inclusive of civil society; The Integrated Development Plans (IDPs), legally required to be prepared by all municipalities, are based on broad community participation and inter-sector coordination; The IDPs include a specific focus on the identification of housing and infrastructure needs integrated with budgets and time frames for the pro-active development of sustainable human settlements. City planning

16 Ensure inhabitants have access to adequate housing; Remove health risks; Provide bulk and connector services; Provide internal services; Set delivery goals; Identify land for housing; Initiate, plan, coordinate, facilitate, and promote housing development; and Develop Integrated Development Plans (IDPs). Municipal Functions in terms of housing development

17 Social Aspects

18 The Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) is one of South African Government’s short-to- medium term programmes aimed at the provision of additional work opportunities coupled with training. The Housing Programme is based on its principles; The IDPs include a specific focus on the identification of housing and infrastructure needs - demand-defined and supply negotiated housing delivery; Pro poor policies

19 Community participation is a key component of this process; Various human settlement programmes address and advocate community participation – e.g. programme for informal settlements allocates funding to facilitate community participation Pro poor policies

20 Environmentally Sound Guidelines on Housing Development

21 Energy Efficient design considerations House orientation: Northern orientation of the house at planning and design phase; House plan & layout: Windows, doors, roof overhang on the northern side; Units that share walls provide insulation against heat loss & undesirable heat gain

22 Water Efficient Design Considerations Correct layout of plumbing system; Correct pipe sizing; Correct water pressure; Plumbing fittings must comply with norms and standards of water supply & drainage systems

23 Thank you for your attention

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