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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION & GUIDELINES FOR INTERNS -AMIT BALLAMWAR."— Presentation transcript:


2  Internship is a phase of training wherein a candidate is expected to conduct actual practice of medical and health care and acquires skills under supervision so that he becomes capable of functioning independently.

3  To diagnose clinically common diseases encountered in practice and make timely decision for referral.  Use discreetly the essential drugs,infusions,blood or its substitutes and laboratory services.  Manage all types of emergencies, by rendering first level care.  Demonstrate skills in monitoring of the National health Programmes and health care services to the community.  Develop leadership qualities to function effectively as a leader of the health team.  Render services to sick and disabled and to communicate effectively with patient and community.

4  Every intern must procure Provisional Registration of MMC immediately.The prov. Registration will be for a period of 1 year.  After joining every intern must report to the HOD first, and also to the unit incharge.  Intern must attend all postings regularly &maintain punctuality.  On d 1 st day itself intern must take signature of incharge at approp. Place in log book.  On completion of postings,take signature of HOD on d last day itself.

5  Intern must sign the attendence register daily at the proper time in d HOD or Incharge’s room  Internship shall not be started without logbook.  Wearing of apron is compulsory  Logbook contains record of all activity done by intern & must be verified and certified by three medical officer/head of unit under whom he works. to be continued……..

6  Interns are entitled for 1 day leave in a month  They cannot take more than 6 days leave at a time & cannot go without prior permission from HOD/incharge  Leave cannot b availed under any circumstsnces in short postings.  The total duration of internship is ONE YEAR(365days)  For any ext.of postings,fresh posting orders must b obtained from HOD/college office to be continued……..

7  Interns have no authority to issue a death certificate,medical certificate or sign a medico legal document.  All parts of internship must b done in MCI recognized hospitals.  The nature of duties to be performed by the intern pertains to either the min. required by MCI or that prescribed by HOD.  Interns shall be entrusted with clinical responsibilities under direct supervision of senior officer. They shall not be working independently. to be continued……..

8  On completion of all postings,the logbook complete in all respects including the certificate of completion(printed in logbook itself) from each department duly signed by the HOD must be submitted to the college office,for issue of internship completion certificate.  Attendance of INTERNS ORIENTATION compulsory. to be continued……..

9  No kind of leave of absence is permitted to intern except as many be permitted by MCI or not more than 1 day leave per month on authorized ground.  They cannot take more than 6 days leave at a time & cannot go without prior permission from HOD/incharge  Leave cannot b availed under any circumstsnces in short postings. LEAVE FOR INTERNS

10  It shall compulsory for intern to maintain the record of procedure done /assisted/observed by him/her on day to day basis in prescribed logbook.  On completion of all postings,the logbook complete in all respects including the certificate of completion(printed in logbook itself) from each department duly signed by the HOD must be submitted to the college office,for issue of internship completion certificate.  Intern shall maintain record of work, which is to be vrified and certified by medical officer or HOD of unit under whom he works. LOG BOOK

11 Shall be determined on the basis of following-  Proficiency of knowledge req. for each case  Competency for performance of self performance  Certificate of having assisted in procedures  Certificate of having observed cases  Responsibility, punctuality, work up of case, involvement in treatment, follow up reports.  Capacity to work in a team.  Initiative participation in discussions, research aptitude

12  The assesment will be done by respective head of unit and entered in log book itself at end of posting.  0=poor 2-3=fair 3-4=below average 5-6=average  7-8=above average 9-10=excellent  It shall be necessary for the intern to obtain min.passing marks in evaluation to be eligible for issuing of internship completion certificate by Dean/head of institution  If declare unsuccessful he shall be required to repeat posting for 30%of total duration of posting in that discipline.

13  Community medicine 2 months  Gen medicine including psychiatry 2 months  Pediatrics 1 month  Orthopedics 1 month  including anaesthesia 2 month  Obs $Gynae 2 month  ENT 15 days  Ophthalmology 15 days  Casualty 15 days  Elective 15 days 

14  Skin and VD  TB chest  Radiology  Blood bank  Forensic medicine  Psychiatry Note – THE ELECTIVE OF 15 DAYS WILL BE OPTED FROM THESE DEPARTMENT






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