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Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Pittsfield Public Schools September 23, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Pittsfield Public Schools September 23, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Pittsfield Public Schools September 23, 2009

2 Introduction H.J. Eberwein, Ed.D.

3 The mission of the Pittsfield Public Schools is to serve our community and its children by creating an environment where lifelong learning is valued, excellence is expected, and improvement is continuous.

4 Raising Expectations Raising Performance Raising Readiness As we look forward: LIFE

5 Quality matters. Instructional Core

6 1.The purpose of school is to see that all students learn at high levels, and the future of our students depends on our success in achieving that purpose. 2.We cannot help all students learn at high levels if we work in isolation. We must build collaborative culture and engage in a collective effort to achieve our purpose. 3.We will not know if we are helping all students learn unless we focus on results and use evidence of student learning as part of a continuous improvement process. Organizational expectations…..

7 Have external standards and assessments, Use data to inform decisions, Create Professional Learning Communities, Develop a focused approach, Implement early warning systems & safety nets, Communicate high expectations for all students. high-impact schools….. Stretch expectations!

8 Time for teams, Alignment and articulation of curriculum, Progress monitoring of students, SMARTe team goals –Strategic, measureable, attainable, results oriented, time bound…for everyone Plans for response - remediation, enrichment Effective (varied) instructional approach School leaders:

9 Background (AYP) Barbara Malkas

10 Four Factors Determine AYP A + (B or C) + D = Affirmative AYP Determination A Participation B Performance C Improvement D Additional Indicator Did at least 95% of students participate in MCAS in 2009? Did the student group perform at or above the 2009 state performance target? Did the student group meet its own 2009 improvement target? Did the student group meet the target for the Additional Indicator (Attendance, Graduation)?

11 Composite Performance Index (CPI) Multiply the number of points by the number of students at each performance level, then divide the total number of points by the total number of students (example below) MCAS Performance Level MCAS-Alt Performance Level in Italics Points Per Student # StudentsPoints Proficient or Advanced / Progressing100323200 Needs Improvement High / Emerging75453375 Needs Improvement Low / Awareness507350 Warning / Failing High / Portfolio Incomplete 254100 Warning / Failing Low / Portfolio not Submitted 020 Totals90 students 7025 Points 7025 ÷ 90 = 78.1

12 A + (B or C) + D = Affirmative AYP Determination PERFORMANCE: Did the student group perform at or above the 2009 performance target? (ELA = 90.2, Math = 84.3) B ELA Math 2001 & 022003 & 042005 & 062007 & 082009 & 102011 & 122013 & 14 53.0 60.8 68.7 76.5 84.3 92.2 100 70.7 75.6 80.5 85.4 90.2 95.1 100 90 80 70 60 50 Composite Performance Index (CPI) Last year This year

13 A + (B or C) + D = Affirmative AYP Determination IMPROVEMENT: Did the student group meet its own 2009 improvement target? C ELA Example 2001 & 022003 & 042005 & 062007 & 082009 & 102011 & 122013 & 14 100 70.7 75.6 80.5 85.4 90.2 95.1 100 90 80 70 60 50 70.0 (2008) 77.2 (2009) Did this group meet its 2009 improvement target? Composite Performance Index (CPI) (100-2008 CPI) ÷ 6 Years 100 – 70 = 30 points remaining 30 ÷ 6 = 5 points per year 70 + 5 = 75 (imp. target for 2009) Yes, because 77.2 > 75

14 A + (B or C) + D = Affirmative AYP Determination IMPROVEMENT: Did the student group meet its own 2009 improvement target? C Performance … Improvement … Is an absolute measureIs a relative measure Is measured by comparing a group ’ s 2009 CPI to the 2009 state performance target Is measured by looking at a group ’ s change in CPI from 2008 to 2009 Answers the question, “ Did the group perform at or above the 2009 state performance target? ” (ELA: 90.2, Math 84.3 ) Answers the question, “ Did the group improve from 2008 to 2009 so that it is on track to 100% proficiency by 2014? ”

15 Moving goalposts….a game changer?

16 …coming Oct. 27

17 And…accountability oversight?

18 District data H.J. Eberwein, Ed.D.

19 District Data English language arts CPI = 84.1 Gain/Loss = +2.6 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: High Improvement: On Target Corrective Action Status - Subgroups Mathematics CPI = 77.5 Gain/Loss = +4.3 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: Moderate Improvement: On Target Corrective Action Status - Subgroups


21 District data


23 Closing the gap 16 10

24 And crossing over:

25 11 8


27 23 15


29 16 15


31 The urban context

32 Snapshots 54.5% of all schools in status –84.2% of urban –42.3% of non-urban Pittsfield –52.3% in status –Lowest in urban network



35 Data analysis for the district Student MCAS performance is directly related to DIBELS benchmark performance and achievement of benchmark targets Student performance on MCAS using nonfiction and technical prompts is a challenge area across grade levels Student performance on open response items shows general improvement but requires continued development Student performance in mathematics in number sense and procedural computation skills in grade 5 indicates a need for fluency to achieve proficiency Students performance in mathematics in the use of fractions in grade 7 indicates a need for fluency to achieve proficiency Student performance in both mathematics and English language arts indicates continued use of the three-tier model of intervention in grades k-8 with expansion into high school

36 District Action Steps All students will meet district established benchmark goals for the development of early literacy skills by the end of grade 2 All students will develop reading skills for comprehension of nonfiction prompts in grades 3 to 10 All students will develop communication and writing skills across grade levels and content areas to demonstrate content knowledge, thinking skills, and to address open response items. All students will demonstrate number sense and computation skills to mastery by the end of grade 5 for application in the secondary grades

37 District Action Steps (2) All students will be fluent in the use of fractions by grade 7 All students will have a comprehensive curriculum in mathematics and English language arts, which includes individualized intervention material in grades k-12 All students will be assessed for progress monitoring purposes to inform intervention and individualized instruction to close gaps in skill development All students will have an individualized analysis of their MCAS performance used for purposes of educational planning

38 School data Barbara Malkas & School Principals

39 Middle Schools




43 Herberg Middle School English language arts CPI = 86.3 Gain/Loss = +1.7 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups -No Performance: High Improvement: On target Status: Restructuring 2 - subgroups Mathematics CPI = 73.9 Gain/Loss = +1.9 Aggregate - No Subgroups - No Performance: Moderate Improvement: No change Status: Restructuring 2 - subgroups

44 Herberg Middle School

45 Reid Middle School English language arts CPI = 86.7 Gain/Loss = +5.1 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: High Improvement: On target Status: Restructuring 1 - subgroups Mathematics CPI = 74.7 Gain/Loss = +8.7 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: Moderate Improvement: Above target Status: Restructuring 1 - subgroups

46 Reid Middle School

47 High Schools


49 Pittsfield High School English language arts CPI = 86.0 Gain/Loss = +3.9 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - No Performance: High Improvement: On target Status: Corrective action - subgroups Mathematics CPI = 80.3 Gain/Loss = +3.3 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - No Performance: High Improvement: On target Status: Improvement 2- subgroups

50 Pittsfield High School

51 Taconic High School English language arts CPI = 87.5 Gain/Loss = +1.2 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - No Performance: High Improvement: On target Status: No status Mathematics CPI = 83.7 Gain/Loss = -2.6 Aggregate - No Subgroups - No Performance: High Improvement: Declined Status: No status

52 Taconic High School

53 Elementary Schools




57 Egremont Elementary School English language arts CPI = 90.6 Gain/Loss = +5.5 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: Very High Improvement: Above target Status: No status Mathematics CPI = 90.7 Gain/Loss = +8.9 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: Very High Improvement: Above target Status: No status

58 Egremont Elementary School

59 Morningside Community School English language arts CPI = 65.1 Gain/Loss = -1.1 Aggregate - No Subgroups - No Performance: Low Improvement: No change Status: Corrective action Mathematics CPI = 68.2 Gain/Loss = +6.7 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: Low Improvement: On target Status: Corrective action - subgroups

60 Morningside Community School

61 Stearns Elementary School English language arts CPI = 91.4 Gain/Loss = +7.6 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: Very High Improvement: Above target Status: No status Mathematics CPI = 87.9 Gain/Loss = +3.4 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: High Improvement: On target Status: No status

62 Stearns Elementary School

63 Williams Elementary School English language arts CPI = 89.6 Gain/Loss = +1.3 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: High Improvement: On target Status: No status Mathematics CPI = 91.4 Gain/Loss = +4.5 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: Very High Improvement: On target Status: No status

64 Williams Elementary School

65 Allendale Elementary School English language arts CPI = 81.3 Gain/Loss = -5.3 Aggregate - No Subgroups - No Performance: High Improvement: Declined Status: Improvement 1 - Subgroups Mathematics CPI = 80.2 Gain/Loss = -6.7 Aggregate - No Subgroups - No Performance: High Improvement: Declined Status: No status

66 Allendale Elementary School

67 Capeless Elementary School English language arts CPI = 86.3 Gain/Loss = +4.1 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: High Improvement: On target Status: No status Mathematics CPI = 85.5 Gain/Loss = +9.8 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: High Improvement: Above target Status: No status

68 Capeless Elementary School

69 Conte Community School English language arts CPI = 78.4 Gain/Loss = +6.5 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: Moderate Improvement: On target Status: Improvement 2 Mathematics CPI = 73.2 Gain/Loss = +7.7 Aggregate - Yes Subgroups - Yes Performance: Moderate Improvement: On target Status: No status

70 Conte Community School

71 Crosby Elementary School English language arts CPI = 75.5 Gain/Loss = -2.9 Aggregate - No Subgroups - No Performance: Moderate Improvement: Declined Status: Corrective action - subgroups Mathematics CPI = 73.7 Gain/Loss = +1.2 Aggregate - No Subgroups - No Performance: Moderate Improvement: No change Status: No status

72 Crosby Elementary School

73 Questions/Discussion

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