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Comprehensive Gang Initiative Bettering our schools, empowering our communities, Building a Safer Tulsa.

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Presentation on theme: "Comprehensive Gang Initiative Bettering our schools, empowering our communities, Building a Safer Tulsa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comprehensive Gang Initiative Bettering our schools, empowering our communities, Building a Safer Tulsa

2 Background August 2006 Mayor Taylor and United States Attorney O’Meilia announce “Building a Safer Tulsa” Mayor Taylor and United States Attorney O’Meilia announce “Building a Safer Tulsa” September 2006 “Building a Safer Tulsa” gang summit brings together 250 stakeholders. “Building a Safer Tulsa” gang summit brings together 250 stakeholders. Focus on Prevention, Intervention, and Re-entry of gang involved youth and adults Focus on Prevention, Intervention, and Re-entry of gang involved youth and adults December 2006 Report released detailing summit recommendations on CSC website ( Report released detailing summit recommendations on CSC website (

3 Summit Report Mentoring OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model Out-of-School Programs Recreation sites Family Support Centers Community Education and Awareness Personal Relationships Job preparation and Training Community and Police Trust Building Pre-release Planning for Offenders Presentations about Re-entry to Business Community

4 Philosophy Build on the gang summit recommendations. Keep the priorities of Prevention, Intervention, and Re-entry. Expand programs that work. Create programs where needed.. Create programs where needed.. Be comprehensive, but focused. Make systemic change by using a systemic approach.

5 Prevention Mentoring Mentoring to the Max! January 2007 Mentoring to the Max! January 2007 Partners: City of Tulsa, TPS, Union PS, Mentoring Coalition, Community Service Council, Junior League, Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence, Partners in Education, and Corporate Sponsor Bank of America. Campaign designed to raise awareness and increase mentors. Exceeded goals.

6 Prevention cont. Positive Behavioral Supports (12 TPS sites) Program identifies risk factors for gang activity. Program identifies risk factors for gang activity. Wraparound services offered. Wraparound services offered. Total days of suspension reduced 41,332 to 35,379 days in year one. Total days of suspension reduced 41,332 to 35,379 days in year one.

7 Intervention Youth Intervention Project Implementation of the OJJDP comprehensive gang model. Implementation of the OJJDP comprehensive gang model. 92 high intensity gang involved youth and 117 middle school age youth served. 92 high intensity gang involved youth and 117 middle school age youth served. Geographically targeted intervention services to high risk and gang involved youth. (Two areas in North Tulsa, one in East Tulsa and one in Southwest Tulsa) Geographically targeted intervention services to high risk and gang involved youth. (Two areas in North Tulsa, one in East Tulsa and one in Southwest Tulsa) Three year grant award of $400,000 from the OK Office of Juvenile Affairs. Three year grant award of $400,000 from the OK Office of Juvenile Affairs.

8 Re-entry Youthful Re-entry ($86,000 project) Re-entry program for youth coming out of Rader. Re-entry program for youth coming out of Rader. Juvenile and family offered counseling and re- socialization services. Juvenile and family offered counseling and re- socialization services. Partnership with Career Tech to accommodate job training and placement. Partnership with Career Tech to accommodate job training and placement.

9 Re-entry Cont. Adult Re-entry Demonstration Program Partners: Federal Probation, US Attorney’s Office, Career Tech, Department of Corrections, Federal Bureau of Prisons, private industry, and faith community. Partners: Federal Probation, US Attorney’s Office, Career Tech, Department of Corrections, Federal Bureau of Prisons, private industry, and faith community. Program identifies Tulsa as manufacturing base, with high demand for skilled workers. Program identifies Tulsa as manufacturing base, with high demand for skilled workers. Program will be selective; state pilot housed at Taft, Federal pilot at in El Reno. Program will be selective; state pilot housed at Taft, Federal pilot at in El Reno.

10 Re-entry Cont. Adult Re-entry Goal: Reduce Recidivism Unfilled manufacturing job market. Unfilled manufacturing job market. Customized pre-release job training. Customized pre-release job training. Collaboration with all partners. Collaboration with all partners. Re-socialization through case management. Re-socialization through case management.

11 Re-entry cont. Focus on business Community Establish new business partners. Establish new business partners. Tulsa Metro Chamber roundtable. Tulsa Metro Chamber roundtable.

12 Out-of-School Activities City of Tulsa CDBG process City of Tulsa CDBG process Overhaul CDBG process. Overhaul CDBG process. Priority given to quality programs and areas of highest need. Priority given to quality programs and areas of highest need. City assembled service providers to develop performance measures. City assembled service providers to develop performance measures.

13 Open Recreation Sites City of Tulsa will go through same process as CDBG to assess quality as well as need.

14 Job Preparation for Youth Expand access of Workforce Tulsa Summer youth forum scheduled Summer youth forum scheduled Focus on job prep for at-risk youth Focus on job prep for at-risk youth

15 Community Policing/Trust Building Confidential Reliable Citizens Program CRCP Partners: City of Tulsa, Crime Commission, United States Attorney’s Office and District Attorney’s Office. Training to identify gang and drug activity. Training to identify gang and drug activity. Participants given code name and number. Participants given code name and number. Priority given to participant’s call. Priority given to participant’s call. Anonymity and protection. Anonymity and protection. Every CRC filed in Special Investigations Division. Every CRC filed in Special Investigations Division.

16 Governance Steering Committee MentoringPrevention/InterventionRe-entrySpecial ProjectsCommunity GCC

17 Governance Steering Committee Steering committee provides oversight for all anti-gang initiatives Steering committee provides oversight for all anti-gang initiatives Functions: Functions: Monitor implementation and evaluation Establish strategic goals and objectives. Program planning. Promote systems change. Staff committee and provide oversight.

18 Governance Cont. Gang Coordination Committee - GCC Provide support for Steering Committee through reports on progress Provide support for Steering Committee through reports on progress Membership: leaders of all committees Membership: leaders of all committees Monthly meetings Monthly meetings

19 Governance Cont. Working Committees Mentoring Mentoring Mentoring Coalition reestablished Mentoring Coalition reestablished Prevention/Intervention Prevention/Intervention Focus on school issues Staffed by the Community Service Council and the Juvenile Bureau. Staffed by the Community Service Council and the Juvenile Bureau. Re-entry Re-entry Advocate comprehensive plan for Tulsan’s re-entry Advocate comprehensive plan for Tulsan’s re-entry Staffed by Federal Probation and Resonance.

20 State-wide Gang Legislation Senate Bill 489 Allow the Office of Juvenile Affairs the ability to enter into inter-local agreements with local governments. Allow the Office of Juvenile Affairs the ability to enter into inter-local agreements with local governments. House Bill 1895 & House Bill 1995 Create a nine member state-wide steering committee for gang issues. Create a nine member state-wide steering committee for gang issues.

21 Where from here? Finalize work of making all projects proposals operational. Build networks and mobilize the entire community behind the overarching philosophy. Examine national best practices, mold and implement them where they fit. Continue to find Tulsa based solutions for Tulsa problems.

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