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The Microsoft Office GUI( Graphical User Interface) Marijo Rivera Calderon Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "The Microsoft Office GUI( Graphical User Interface) Marijo Rivera Calderon Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Microsoft Office GUI( Graphical User Interface) Marijo Rivera Calderon Teacher

2 Screen Layout  Title Bar  Menu Bar  Standard Toolbar  Formatting Toolbar  Split Box  Scroll Bars  Minimize, Maximize/Restore & Close Button

3 ComponentDescription Control Menu Box It contains Minimize, Maximize and close button Title BarIt is the top portion of the window that list the application name and workbook/documentation/presentation name. You can click and drag the title bar to move the window. Menu BarIt is located directly below the title bar. Split BoxIt is used for viewing twi parts of a documents simultaneously. Scroll Bars These are located along the right side and the bottom of the document window. These are also used to move the screen display orizontally and vertically. Each scroll bar is composed of three parts: the scroll arrow, the scroll box and the scroll bar.

4 The Toolbars The toolbars are the graphical elements in the program that contain icons which represent commands o options that the user can choose to interact with the computer. The most commonly used toolbars are The Standard and The Formatting Toolbars.

5 Cntrl + N Creates a new file Cntrl +C Copy Cntrl +O Opens a file Cntrl +V Paste Cntrl +S Save the current document Cntrl +Z Undo Cntrl +F Search for text Cntrl +Y Redo Cntrl +P Print Cntrl +K Insert Hyperlink Cntrl +X Cut F1MS Help Standard Toolbars

6 Formatting Toolbars Cntrl + BBoldCntrl +EAlign Center Cntrl +IItalicCntrl +RAlign Right Cntrl +UUnderlineCntrl +JJustify Cntrl +LAlign Left

7 Ref: Office Productivity By: Lesly Abe M.S. Kin Enriquez Joy de Jesus Alexander Maximo Jaime D.L. Caro,Ph.D.

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