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AutoCAD 培训教程 1 10. Text and Text Styles  Chapter Objectives  Text Styles  Creating a Text Style  Key Terms  Process Overview: Determining Text Height.

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Presentation on theme: "AutoCAD 培训教程 1 10. Text and Text Styles  Chapter Objectives  Text Styles  Creating a Text Style  Key Terms  Process Overview: Determining Text Height."— Presentation transcript:

1 AutoCAD 培训教程 1 10. Text and Text Styles  Chapter Objectives  Text Styles  Creating a Text Style  Key Terms  Process Overview: Determining Text Height  Single- Line Text  Process Overview: Text Justification  Process Overview: Single-line Text

2 AutoCAD 培训教程 2 10. Text and Text Styles  Exercise 1: Single-Line Text  Exercise 2: Text Properties Changes  Multilane Text  Multiline Text Editor  Key Terms and Features  Multiline Text Editor Shortcut Menus  Process Overview: Multiline Text  Exercise 3: Multiline Text  Chapter Summary

3 AutoCAD 培训教程 3 10. Text and Text Styles  By their very nature, development and production drawings have to convey design intent accurately. As such, they often contain nongraphical information such as text.  The text is often a mixture of notes, titles, specifications, and dimensions.

4 AutoCAD 培训教程 4 Chapter Objectives  By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:  Create and place single-line and multiline text accurately.  Apply a variety of visual characteristics to text.

5 AutoCAD 培训教程 5 Text Styles  Every piece of text in an AutoCAD drawing has a text style associated with it.  When you enter text, AutoCAD uses the current text style, which sets the font, height, angle (italicized), orientation, and other text characteristics.  If you want to place text with different style features, you make another style current.

6 AutoCAD 培训教程 6 Text Styles  When you use the Text commands, the settings for the current text style are displayed at the prompts on the command line.  You can use or modify the current text style or create and load a new style. Once you have created a text style, you can modify its characteristics. change its name, or delete it when you no longer need it.  Except for the default STANDARD text style, you must create text style that you want to use.

7 AutoCAD 培训教程 7 Text Styles  Text style names can be up to 255 characters long. They can contain letters, numbers and the special characters dollar sign ( $), underscore (_), and hyphen ( - ).  If you do not enter a text style name, AutoCAD automatically names the text style Style l, Style 2, and so on.

8 AutoCAD 培训教程 8 Text Styles  you can modify an existing text style in the Text Style dialog box by changing the settings.  Changes to certain style settings affect multiline and single-line text objects differently.  For example, changing the Upside Down and Backwards options has no automatic effect on existing multiline text objects. Changing Width Factor and Obliquing has no automatic affect on existing single-line text.

9 AutoCAD 培训教程 9 Text Styles  If you rename an existing text style, any text using the old name assumes the new text style name.  You can remove unused text styles from your drawing with the PURGE command or by deleting the text styles from the Text Styles dialog box.  The STANDARD text style cannot be removed.

10 AutoCAD 培训教程 10 Text Styles  When you change the text style of a multiline text object, the updated settings are applied to the entire object, and some formatting of individual characters might not be retained.  The following table describes effects of text style change character formatting: (B10-1)

11 AutoCAD 培训教程 11 Creating a Text Style  To activate the STYLE command, use one of following methods:  On the Text toolbar, click Text Style.  On the Format menu, click Text Style  Enter style on the command line.  All of these methods open the Text Style dialog box.

12 AutoCAD 培训教程 12 Key Terms  New. Displays the New Text Style dialog box and automatically supplies the name "stylen" (where n is the number of the supplied style, for example, style 1 ) for the current settings.  Font Name. TrueType fonts and all AutoCAD compiled shape (SHX) fonts  Font Style. such as italics, bold, or regular.  Height.  Vertical.

13 AutoCAD 培训教程 13 Key Terms  Width Factor. Sets the character spacing. A value less than 1.0 condenses the text, and a value greater than 1.0 expands it.  Oblique Angle. Sets the obliquing angle of the text. Entering a value between - 85 and 85 italicizes the text.

14 AutoCAD 培训教程 14 Single- Line Text  You can use single-line text (TEXT) to create one or more lines of text, ending each line when you press ENTER. Each line of text is an independent object that you can move, reformat, or modify.

15 AutoCAD 培训教程 15 Single- Line Text  When you create single-line text, you assign a text style and set alignment on the command line.  The text style sets the default characteristics of the text object.  The alignment or justification point determines what part of the text character aligns with the insertion point.

16 AutoCAD 培训教程 16 Single- Line Text  As you create text, you can specify one of the Justify options shown in the following illustration.(F10-3)  Left alignment is the default.  To left-align text, do not enter an option at the Justify prompt.

17 AutoCAD 培训教程 17 Single- Line Text  You also can compress single-line text to fit between points that you specify. This option stretches or squeezes the text to fill the designated space.  The Align option allows you to line the text up with an existing object by specifying two points on the object.

18 AutoCAD 培训教程 18 Process Overview: Text Justification 1.On the Draw menu, click Text > Single Line Text. 2. Right-click, and click Justify on the shortcut menu. You can also enter J on the command line. 3. Enter an alignment option. For example, enter br to align text at its bottom-righ corner. You can also right-click and make your selection from the shortcut menu. 4. Continue creating text.

19 AutoCAD 培训教程 19 Process Overview: Single-line Text 1. On the Text toolbar, click Single Line Text. You can also click Text > Single Line Text on the Draw menu, or enter dtext on the command line. 2. If required, justify the text, using the previous process. 3. Specify the insertion point for the first character. If you press ENTER, AutoCAD locates the new text immediately below the last object you created.

20 AutoCAD 培训教程 20 Process Overview: Single-line Text 4. Specify the height of the text. This prompt is displayed only if text height is set to 0 in the current text style. This is done to allow users to specify different heights of text without altering styles repeatedly. You can type in a value for the text height, or specify a second point on screen. The distance between this point and the insertion point is the new text height.

21 AutoCAD 培训教程 21 Process Overview: Single-line Text 5. Specify a text rotation angle. You can enter an angle value or use your pointing device. 6. Enter the text. At the end of each line, press ENTER. Enter more text as needed. If you specify another point during this command, the cursor moves to that point, and you can continue typing. Every time you press ENTER or specify a point, a new text object is created. 7. Press ENTER on a blank line to end the command.

22 AutoCAD 培训教程 22 Multiline Text  Within the multiline text object, you can override the current text style by applying formatting such as underlining, boldface, and different fonts to individual characters. You can also create stacked text, such as fractions and insert special characters, including Unicode characters, for TrueType fonts.(F10-11)

23 AutoCAD 培训教程 23 Multiline Text  The MTEXT command creates paragraphs that fit within a boundary that defines the width of the paragraph and its location in the drawing.  Each multiline text object is a single object, regardless of the number of lines it contains.  The text boundary, although not plotted, printed, or displayed, remains part of the object's framework.

24 AutoCAD 培训教程 24 Multiline Text  Before you enter or import text, you specify opposite corners of the rectangular boundary. The length of the muhiline text object depends on the amount of text, not the length of the bounding box.  Most characteristics of the text are controlled by the text style, which sets the default font and other options, such an line spacing, justification, and color.

25 AutoCAD 培训教程 25 Multiline Text  You can also set tabs and indent text to control the appearance of multiline text object and create lists

26 AutoCAD 培训教程 26 Multiline Text Editor  To activate the MTEXT command, use one of the following methods:  On the Draw or Text toolbar, click Multiline Text.  On the Draw menu, click Text > Muhiline Text.  Enter mtext on the command line.

27 AutoCAD 培训教程 27 Multiline Text Editor  The Multiline Text Editor displays the bounding box with a ruler at the top and the Text Formatting toolbar.(F10-13)  The Multiline Text Editor is transparent so you can see if the text you are typing overlaps other objects. To turn off transparency, click the bottom edge of the ruler.

28 AutoCAD 培训教程 28 Key Terms and Features  The Text Formatting Toolbar controls the text style for the muhiline text object and the Text character formatting for text you select for modification.(F10-13)  OK. Closes the Multiline Text Editor and saves any changes that you made. You can also click in the drawing outside the editor to save changes and exit the editor.  To close the Muhiline Text Editor without saving changes, press ESC.

29 AutoCAD 培训教程 29 Multiline Text Editor Shortcut Menus  The shortcut menus provide standard editing options and options specific to multiline text.  Right-click in the Muhiline Text Editor. This displays the shortcut men.  The options at the top of the menu are basic editing options: Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, and Paste.

30 AutoCAD 培训教程 30 Multiline Text Editor Shortcut Menus  The following options are specific to the Multiline Text Editor:  Indents and Tabs. (F 10-15 Indents and Tabs dialog box )  Justification.  Find and Replace  AutoCAPS.  Remove Formatting  Symbol

31 AutoCAD 培训教程 31 Process Overview. Multiline Text

32 AutoCAD 培训教程 32 Chapter Summary  In completing this chapter, you have:  Created and used Text styles  Placed Single-line text with DTEXT  Placed paragraph text with MTEXT  Applied formatting to Muhiline Text  Changed the Properties of existing text  Reviewed text justification and formatting

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