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Grade 9 Geography – Unit 1 – State of the World – Global Warming Ecological Footprint Greenhouse Effect Carbon CycleDefinitionsDid You Know 11111 22222.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 9 Geography – Unit 1 – State of the World – Global Warming Ecological Footprint Greenhouse Effect Carbon CycleDefinitionsDid You Know 11111 22222."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade 9 Geography – Unit 1 – State of the World – Global Warming Ecological Footprint Greenhouse Effect Carbon CycleDefinitionsDid You Know 11111 22222 33333 44444 55555

2 4.27 ha

3 What is the average Canadian Ecological Footprint?

4 The maximum population size that can be regularly sustained by an environment

5 What is Carrying Capacity?

6 The area of land required to provide the resources consumed by an individual, city or nation.

7 What is Ecological Footprint?

8 Society's demand on nature is in balance with nature's capacity to meet that demand.

9 What is Sustainability?

10 Transportation, shelter, food, waste and water use

11 What are the elements of Ecological Footprint?

12 CO 2, CH 4, O 3 and N 2 O

13 What are Greenhouse Gases?

14 Source of radiation (heat).

15 What is the Sun?

16 It is caused by humans activities emitting too much greenhouse gases

17 What is Enhanced Greenhouse Effect?

18 The unit describing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

19 What is Parts per Million per Volume (ppmv)?

20 Long wave radiation that is reflected from Earth into the atmosphere.

21 What is infrared radiation?

22 Green plants absorb CO 2 from the atmosphere and use it to manufacture plant fibres, starches and sugars

23 What is photosynthesis?

24 People, bacteria, plants and fungi.

25 What are sources of carbon dioxide?

26 The amount of carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere.

27 What is trace?

28 Many people incorrectly believe it is only caused by humans.

29 What is Global Warming?

30 Most atmospheric pollution (e.g., CO 2, CH 4, hydrocarbons) stays within this layer of the atmosphere

31 What is the troposphere?

32 A reservoir that absorbs or takes up released carbon from other parts of the carbon cycle

33 What is a Carbon Sink?

34 A reservoir that absorbs or takes up released carbon from other parts of the carbon cycle

35 What is Carbon Fixation?

36 Oil, coal and natural gas that originates from decayed plants and animals.

37 What is a Fossil Fuel?

38 A resource that can be used continuously without being completely depleted because it regenerates itself

39 What is a Renewable Resource?

40 A human intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases

41 What is Mitigation?

42 The process of change to better conform with environmental conditions or other external stimuli.

43 What is adaptation?

44 The average household water consumption by one person in Canada each day?

45 What is 300 L?

46 A financial or economic incentive to get emission to the lowest possible level to make money.

47 What is Carbon Trading?

48 The percentage of Canada’s population living in the Great Lakes Basin?

49 What is 25%?

50 The Earth’s temperature without the Greenhouse Effect

51 What is -18 O C

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