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What Works in School Health DS McCall, Alberta Coalition for Healthy School Communities September 26, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "What Works in School Health DS McCall, Alberta Coalition for Healthy School Communities September 26, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Works in School Health DS McCall, Alberta Coalition for Healthy School Communities September 26, 2006

2 Points for Discussion The Black Box of the School The Ecology of School Systems Building System Capacities Understanding Public Systems Some Working Examples

3 The Reality/Complexity

4 Ecology of School Systems Think of a blueberry farms

5 System Capacities 1. Coordinated policy/ policy on coordination 2. Assigned staff and infrastructure 3. Formal and informal mechanisms for cooperation 4. Knowledge transfer, translation, promising practices 5. On-going work force development (pre and in-service) 6. Strategic, coordinated issue management 7. Ongoing surveys of health, periodic surveys of programs 8. Explicit plan for sustainability.

6 System Characteristics Multiple Systems (Degree of cooperation, at which levels, fit between innovation/reform and system & environment, professional norms, ideologies, sociology of professions) Open Systems (Economic and social factors, politics, media, local community history, norms, & resources, family characteristics, congruent/competing influences, change agents and influencers) Loosely Coupled (Shared vision, internal networks, communities of practice, professional development) Professional Bureaucracies (Routines, internal communication, knowledge is power, structures, documentation)

7 Some Working Examples Canadian (On some issues, some good PT plans, some case studies) (Everactive Schools, Action schools, Safe & Caring Schools) International (Some national/state results) (England, Scotland, Hong Kong, Western Australia) International (On several issues) (Bullying, cardio-vascular, sexual health, mental health)

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