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Forestry Technician By: Kacie Peabody. What is Forestry? Forestry is the science, art and practice of understanding, managing and wisely using the natural.

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Presentation on theme: "Forestry Technician By: Kacie Peabody. What is Forestry? Forestry is the science, art and practice of understanding, managing and wisely using the natural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forestry Technician By: Kacie Peabody

2 What is Forestry? Forestry is the science, art and practice of understanding, managing and wisely using the natural resources, such as timber, soil, fish, wildlife, water, and plants, associated with the forests.

3 Forestry Technicians Salary- 63,000 to 80,000 dollars per year.

4 Where its best to work The best places for finding a job in this career are, –Wilmington, NC –Columbia, SC –Knoxville, TN

5 Pros to being a Forestry Technician Being able to work outdoors Make good money and enjoy doing something your passionate about. Helping preserve the most important part of our world, which is the forest with out trees we wouldn’t have clean air to breathe.

6 Cons to being a Forestry Technician There are many risks to being a Forestry Technician such as, –Falling from trees –Trees falling on you –Electrocution –Poison Ivy

7 “I'd rather do nothing and be happy than do something I know I don't love.” – Ashton Kutcher

8 Why I chose a Forestry Technician I Love being outdoors I love experiencing all that nature provides. I want to do my part in preserving America’s Forests.

9 Options after you decide to become a Forestry Technician Once you decide to take part in this career some companies require at least four years of schooling or a two year internship with that company.

10 Chris Skellett Q. What is the most dangerous part of your job? A. “ The most dangerous part of my job would be running the heavy machinery. When your working with a wood chipper you have to be very cautious around it because the tree that is being put into the machine may kick back and you could get seriously injured.”

11 Chris Skellett Q. What is your favorite part about your job? A. “My favorite part of my job would be working outside and being apart of nature.”

12 What I have learned through this project. That this is the career choice for me because it has all of the things I love to do. I also learned that it takes hard work to become a Forestry Technician and I know I’m up for the job.

13 Works Cited s s Words of Chris Skellett

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