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Presentation on theme: "ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM SUPERVISORS ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Deconstructing the Constructed Response."— Presentation transcript:


2 Communication Arts Constructed Response Sample #1

3 Read the Prompt Tell two ways spiders and insects are alike and two ways they are different. Use information from the story in your answer.

4 Verbs and Command Words Action VerbsDefinitions analyze classify choose compare and contrast complete create describe explain finish imagine justify label predict summarize tell title use

5 Verbs and Command Words Action VerbsDefinitions analyze classify choose compare and contrast complete create describe explain finish imagine justify label predict summarize tell title use break apart, study the pieces sort things or people into categories make a deliberate decision alike – different finish put together tell about tell how fill in the missing information paint of picture of something in your mind give a reason(s) identify with a word or phrase make a guess sum it up, tell main ideas in your own words give information description of the main idea put into action

6 Verbs and Command Words Verbs That Follow Who, What, When, Why, How or Which does is was will will be would would be

7 Circle the Verbs or Command Words Tell two ways spiders and insects are alike and two ways they are different. Use information from the story in your answer.

8 Underline the what of the verb Tell two ways spiders and insects are alike and two ways they are different. Use information from the story in your answer.

9 Box the Qualifier Tell two ways spiders and insects are alike and two ways they are different. Use information from the story in your answer.

10 Communication Arts Constructed Response Sample #2

11 Read the Prompt This story/passage is about airplanes. Imagine that you have chosen airplanes as your topic for a report. Other than airplanes, list three key words that you would look up to help you with your report.

12 Circle the Verb This story/passage is about airplanes. Imagine that you have chosen airplanes as your topic for a report. Other than airplanes, list three key words that you would look up to help you with your report.

13 Underline the What of the Verb This story/passage is about airplanes. Imagine that you have chosen airplanes as your topic for a report. Other than airplanes, list three key words that you would look up to help you with your report.

14 Box the Qualifier This story/passage is about airplanes. Imagine that you have chosen airplanes as your topic for a report. Other than airplanes, list three key words that you would look up to help you with your report.

15 Science Constructed Response With Background Information Grace's class measured the temperature outside four times a day for four days in a row. Their results are shown below.

16 Read the Prompt Based on these data, choose two days that were most likely cloudy. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 ________________________________________________________________ Explain why you chose these two days and why you did not choose the other days. Use the data in the graphs and your science knowledge about weather in your answer. _________________________________________________________________

17 Circle the Verbs or Command Words Based on these data, choose two days that were most likely cloudy. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 ________________________________________________________________ Explain why you chose these two days and why you did not choose the other days. Use the data in the graphs and your science knowledge about weather in your answer.

18 3. Underline the “what” of the verbs/commands word or the important parts. Based on these data, choose two days that were most likely cloudy. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 ________________________________________________________________ Explain why you chose these two days and why you did not choose the other days. Use the data in the graphs and your science knowledge about weather in your answer.

19 Box the qualifiers for each verb/command. If there are no qualifiers, use at least 3. Based on these data, choose two days that were most likely cloudy. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 ________________________________________________________________ Explain why you chose these two days and why you did not choose the other days. Use the data in the graphs and your science knowledge about weather in your answer.

20 Mathematics The table below shows the number of students who prefer 3 different pizza toppings. ToppingsNumber of Students Sausage20 Mushrooms50 Pepperoni30 Create a circle graph that represents the information from the table. Be sure to give your graph a title, and label each section with correct pizza topping.

21 Your Turn Within your group, follow the steps to deconstruct a constructed response. Select a spokesperson to share your work. It is okay to agree or disagree, but support your answer.

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