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Medlin. Netbook Keep organized Turn in assignments on time Attend tutorials when needed Form bonds with teachers and staff Ask questions for help when.

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Presentation on theme: "Medlin. Netbook Keep organized Turn in assignments on time Attend tutorials when needed Form bonds with teachers and staff Ask questions for help when."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medlin

2 Netbook Keep organized Turn in assignments on time Attend tutorials when needed Form bonds with teachers and staff Ask questions for help when necessary Maintain a well-rounded schedule which includes extra-curricular activities SUCCESS IN 6 TH GRADE Success in middle school involves much more than just good grades!

3 8 periods: 1 ½ block for Math and LA each 1 Science 1 Social Studies 1 P.E. (all 6 th graders take P.E.) 1 elective of a Fine Art (band, choir, or orchestra) 1 other elective which could include a second fine art *** Each class is 45 minutes *** ~ 4 minutes for passing period~ 6 TH GRADE SCHEDULE

4 Math – Pre AP or on-level Language Arts – Pre AP, on-level, or G/T (for identified GT students) Science – Pre AP or on-level Social Studies – Pre AP or on-level CHOICES FOR 6 TH GRADE CORE CLASSES

5 Factors to consider when choosing classes:  Your child’s academic strengths  Teacher input  Past STAAR performance  Personal goals

6 Only you and your child can determine this! What are your child’s strengths? The amount of extracurricular activities should be considered. How important are these classes to your child? HOW MANY PRE-AP CLASSES SHOULD MY CHILD TAKE?

7 Students will apply math to everyday situations using the following topics: Factors and Multiples Rational Numbers and Percents Proportions, Ratios and Rates Geometry Probability Students will be using technology to emphasize these concepts using animoto videos, microsoft excel, and making electronic flyers using 6 TH GRADE MATH

8 Students work in a workshop model in 6 th grade Language Arts, which allows them to work independently, with a partner or group, and with the teacher. Different genres of literature are explored throughout the year while engaging students in reading and writing every day. Students have independent reading and writing time every week where they choose what they want to read and what they want to write about. Some types of reading and writing studied are fiction, nonfiction, poetry, biography, autobiography, memoir, short story, expository essays, and drama. 6 TH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS

9 An emphasis placed on physical science in 6 th grade. Hands on activities and labs occur often with safety as a top priority. Topics covered are chemistry, physics, energy, earth science, space and life science. Study habits are taught to maximize learning and students are expected to practice these habits successfully throughout 6 th grade. In the Spring, students design their own science projects in a bid for the district Inquiry Showcase. 6 TH GRADE SCIENCE

10 Each six weeks the same TEKS are taught while studying one of the seven cultural regions of the world. History -Contributions from past cultures and how it influences the present. Geography-Tools, historical and contemporary societies, human environment interaction, and geographic influences on economic development Economics-Economic systems, factors of production, and measuring economic activity Government-Concepts of limited and unlimited governments, and alternate forms of government Citizenship-Roles and responsibilities, rights in a democracy Culture-Similarities and differences, basic institutions, relationships among cultures, religions, arts, society, and philosophy Impact of science and technology-Discoveries and future consequences 6 TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES

11 Fine Arts Electives Students must choose one elective from: - Band, Orchestra or Choir General Electives The 2 nd elective is chosen from: - Exploratory Wheel The wheel’s classes will be determined by teacher availability. (possibly Technology Applications / Teen Leadership-Study Skills - Reading SSI, Math SSI or - Band, Orchestra, or Choir All 6 th grade students will receive 2 electives chosen from the following:

12  Student Council  NJHS (National Junior Honor Society)  Go Green (Recycling)  SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)  Theatre Club CLUBS

13 6 th Grade English Pre AP English Science Pre AP Science Math Pre AP Math World Cultures Pre AP World Cultures 7 th Grade English Pre AP English Math Pre AP Math Science Pre AP Science Texas History Pre AP Texas History 8 th Grade English Pre AP English Math Algebra I (HS Credit) Science Pre AP Science US History Pre AP US History MIDDLE SCHOOL SEQUENCE


15 MATH Course Sequences

16 Sequence of Courses Social Studies Course Sequences

17 Science Course Sequences

18 The core classes are dependent of the endorsement that the student will receive. See Secondary Course Selection Guide for more detailed information.


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