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Soft Skill Program I ( Input : Name of The faculty )

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Presentation on theme: "Soft Skill Program I ( Input : Name of The faculty )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing an Effective Resume The First Step Towards Landing Your Next Job
Soft Skill Program I ( Input : Name of The faculty ) Soft Skill Department Sinhgad Technical Education Society

2 Flow Of Presentation Resume Contents Section summary
Identify your Career Objective What your Career Objective should say Writing the resume ( Simultaneous ASSIGNMENT) Characteristics of a good resume. Full Assignment

3 Resume Contents Career Objective Education Continuing Education
Work or Professional Experience Volunteer Experience Activities Computer Skills Professional Associations

4 Summary of sections Title-Name Career Objective
Personal Details - Address, telephone number, address, Gender, Date of Birth, Languages Known Education/Qualification Technical Skills/Core competencies Internships/Project Details Professional Experience (if any) Achievements and awards Extra Curricular Involvements

5 Identify your Career Objective
One or two sentences Type of position (part time, full time, summer internship) What position would you like to find? Emphasize how you will use your skills, not what you want to gain

6 What your Career Objective should say
Do not be needy: Objective: To obtain a position that will allow me to advance my potential while seeking new challenges. Show what you will contribute: Objective: An entry-level responsibility in mechanical engineering where strong leadership ability and good communication skills are needed. Objective: Responsibility to lead and develop the aerospace engineering in an agency where extensive knowledge of thermodynamics and heat transfer are needed.

7 Personal Information Gender: MALE/Female
Marital Status: Single/Unmarried D.O.B.: 12 JANUARY 1992 Language Known: English, Hindi , Marathi Permanent Address: Flat no 000, D-4 xxxxxxx apts, Wadgaon (bk), Pune 51. Contact : 8xxxxxxxxxxx Id:

8 Education Qualifications (in reverse chronological order)
Sections Course Institute/College/School University/Board Percentage Year of Passing

9 Technical Skills/Core competencies
MS- Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access). Good communication, presentation and relationship management skills. Good Analytical, MIS and team working skills.  Sound numerical skills. Good time management. Ready to work independently as well as can manage a team efficiently. Thriving skills in a dead line oriented environment ensuring effective reduction in TAT (Turn over time). Ready to work independently as well as can manage a team efficiently

10 Internship/project details
Name of Company : Project Title : Scope of the Project : Key Learning's (if any)

11 Experience (also in reverse order)
Dates of employment ( present) Name and location of the company (HCL, New Delhi) Add specific detail that shows your organization, cooperation, responsibility with action Job Description/ List of your responsibilities executed

12 Achievements and awards
Scholarships Grants Prizes Nominations Significant accomplishments Committees and leadership roles

13 Characteristics Of A Successful Resume
Focuses on skills. Uses action words to define the responsibilities of your job-related experience. Easy to read and understand. Visually powerful. Language is grammatically correct. Spelling has been checked. Formal Style One page, or at most 2 pages long.

14 Full Assignment Ask students to formulate a Full Resume.
Collect the same

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