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Taiwanese Car Design Pioneer Yulon Feeling 101
Yen-Hao Tseng
Taiwan car design history of Yulon
Agenda Taiwan car design history of Yulon Yulon Feeling 101 introduction In my opinion
Taiwan car design history of Yulon
Yulon Motor Co. is established to engage in automobile production. Yulon's first prototype jeep is launched. Yulon Motor Co. signs a technical cooperation agreement with Nissan Motor Co. Yulon Motor Co. establishes an engineering center in Guishan, Taoyuan County, to engage in auto R&D and testing.
Taiwan car design history of Yulon
Yulon Motor Co. launches Feeling 101, its first car designed and developed in house. The Varica, a light commercial vehicle designed and made in house, is launched. Yulon Motor Co. and China Motor Corp. invest in China Engine Corp. to facilitate creation of a common engine. After two years
The frist car design by Taiwanese
Feeling101, the first car designed and manufacture by Taiwanese. How amazing, the Feeling 101 is 20 years old now but its design is still advance in Following, I will introduce Feeling101with every classical design and feature for you. 接下來我將要為各位介紹台灣設計的第一部車子Feeling 101, 這部台灣設計的車子雖然已經是20年前的事情了,但是許多設計在今天仍然跟得上時代, 以下我將一一為大家介紹。
Feeling 101 Design by Yulon engineering center,launched in October 1986. Exterior and interior were designed by Taiwaiese,engine/chassis from Nissan. Looks like 4D,but eventually the feeling’s rear door could be opened just like hatchback. Feeling, the first car was designed by Taiwanese. She was borne in nineteen eighty-six. As you can see, the exterior and interior were designed By Taiwanese. Regarding the engine and chassis were came from Nissan but redesign by Taiwanese also. Feeling looks like a four doors car, but eventually the Feeling’s rear door could be opened just like hatchback car. A very special design. 這就是台灣設計的第一部車子,他在1986年在台灣上市,這部車子的外型和內裝是由台灣自己設計的, 至於引擎和底盤則修改自NISSAN的車款。這部車雖然看起來是四門車,但是實際上尾門和一般Hatchback一樣是可以開的,相當特別。
Design theme A Family Sport Sedan Aero dynamics body curve
Excellent handling quality and powerful engine A driving fun vehicle High class design theme Rich features High level safety protection Allow me to introduce Feeling ‘s design theme.This car was designed since After five years development, it was born in At that time, Yulon try to has his own design and manufacturing Technology to break out Nissan’s control. Yulon decided to invest 2 billion NT dollar for feeling 101.Yulon hoped to produce a driving fun car. That’s why the feeling’s design team was very concentrate on the handling and power performance. As you can see, Feeling 101 had a lot of features are designed by good handling and performance. Besides, feeling 101 has rich feature with high level safety protecion 讓我來為大家介紹一下Feeling這部車的設計主題,這部車是從1981年開始設計,經過五年的時間終於上市 這部車的設計經費大概花了20億左右,目的是要脫離日產擁有自己的製車技術。 我們希望提供一部具有駕駛樂趣的車子,所以特別重視操控和性能,很多配備也是因此而設計的 此外,這部車也擁有豐富的配備和一流的安全性
Aero Dynamics CD = 0.33(Sedan) 0.29(hatchback) Streamline Body
Unique out mirror (w/ vent to bring out air when moving) front spoiler with all car line Rear spoiler with hatchback model Feeling had a excellent aero dynamic design. The smooth body was came from designer’s serious study. Designers paid lots effort to get a impossible objective—CD The great result was came from smooth windows, smooth door handle and sloping (斜的) front head. 這部車非常良好的空氣力學設計,它有平順的車體,設計師在設計時,對影響空氣力學的關鍵極為注意,如平滑的車窗,平整的車門把手和傾斜的車頭設計等等
Handling & Performance
For the procuct positioning,Feeling had better handling than most of competitors. 1.8L SOHC 8V Max hose power:97ps(SAE) Max speed:190 km/h 0~100 km/h:11.8 sec Sporty Suspension For the product positioning, Feeling 101 had better handling and performance than most of competitors. The 1.8 liter engine could offer 97 horse power to overtake competitors around 10% performance That’s why Feeling 101 had fast speed and good acceleration(加速性). From 0(zero) to 100 kilometer just need 11.8 second. For the handling, the Feeling 101’s suspension was so hard and the driving feel just liked roadster. This kind of sports suspension attractive some hot blood consumers. They really enjoyed driving vehicle.. Also, the international media gave Yulon great support and highly recommendation. 以產品定位而言, 擁有比大多數競爭對手都好的性能和操控性,1.8的引擎能提供97匹最大馬力,大概比當時的競爭對手多10%以上, 所以也擁有較好的極速和加速性,他由靜止加速至100公里只需要11.8秒。 操控方面,他的懸吊阻尼較高,擁有和跑車相近的操控性能,這樣的設計非常適合喜歡駕駛的車主。 在這方面,很多國際媒體都給予極高的評價。
Human Interface Fighter central panel
Driver needs is the core orientation Whole driving status were integrated into the convenience position. Accessory:HUD/driving monitor system/Sport seat 20 years ago, Feeling 101 had a advance interior design. The interior design theme was base on fight cockpit. When you sit in Feeling 101 and try to drive it, you would feel so surprise, because interior is just like airplane. Feeling101’s interior design theme was around driver, to provide rich information for drivers. Suck like the roof console, it provided lots information are out of meter. The HUD is the only one feature before 20 years age. Of course, this kind of sporty car, it must had a sporty seat just like a roadster. Following, I will introduce the roof console and HUD with detail function. 在20年前,Feeling的內裝設計是非常進步的, 以飛機座艙為設計的概念,讓駕駛飛羚有如在開飛機一樣有趣。 為了提供駕駛人充分的資訊,飛羚車內有許多設計都跟駕駛有關,例如位於車頂的roof console,他能提供駕駛很多Meter之外的車輛資訊。 HUD在20年前更是獨一無二的配備。 當然,這樣一部注重運動感的車,一定會有一對和跑車一樣的座椅。 接下來我會為各位詳細介紹roof console和HUD
Multipurpose roof console
Include: 1.Status Monitor System, 2.Thief Alarm 3.Maintenance reminding 4. Car auto-checking system 現在讓我來為各位介紹一下各個有趣的配備。 Allow me to introduce the interesting features. Include: 1.Status Monitor System, 2.Thief Alarm, 3.Maintenance reminding 4.Car auto-checking system: When engine start, car computer will auto checking the whole status. If breakdown issue was found, the warning light and buzzer will be turn on to notice driver to has a detail checking. The thief alarm had 2 sets password. Owners could change the password by themselves. The system could set the running kilometer by owner for auto maintenance reminding in the future. 車況監控系統、防盜器、保養提醒三大功能 發動引擎後會自動檢查車況,如有故障會發出燈號和聲響警示。 防盜器有兩組密碼,可自行更換。 可自行設定保養里程或時間,以提醒保養。 Multipurpose roof console
HUD HUD(Head Up Display) HUD
When driving speed is over 100 kilometer, the HUD will project yellow light to windshield and the buzzer will sound to warn driver. When car has some problem, the HUD will project red light on windshield, also the buzzer will sound for warning. 車速超過100km/h,投射黃燈至擋風玻璃,併發出聲響提醒。 車況異常時,投射紅燈至擋風玻璃,並發出聲響提醒。 HUD
Safety USA bumper w/ all model 1st. Car w/ side protection Bar
To pass the crash test of MIRA label in UK To get approve by safety statute of FMVSS USA In 1980 year, there are very few local vehicles could pass the crash and safety test, but Feeling 101 had succeed. The Feeling101’s body was designed by CAD system that is totally under the USA safety statue. Feeling 101 had USA standard big bumper with all models. Side doors had protection steel bar inside. The steel bar can protect passengers when side crash happen. Feeling101’s safety features are still a leading benchmark even now, after 20 years, lots of local cars still could not overtake it! 飛羚是少數實際經過安全測試的國產車,使用CAD系統設計的車體,完全符合美國安全法規, 全車系都有外觀較大的美規保險桿,車門內裝設了鋼樑,能在側面發生撞擊時保護乘客安全。 飛羚的許多安全設計是20年後許多國產車還是沒辦法達到的高標準。 鋼樑
27th Tokyo motor show Yulon Feeling 101 attended 27th Tokyo motor show (Nov.1987) The only one Taiwan auto company to join international auto show. The Feeling bring international media’s attention and extensive discussion. In nineteen eighty seven, Feeling represented Taiwan to attend 27th Tokyo Motor Show. Up to now, Feeling still was the only one car and brand to represent Taiwan to attend international auto show. Yulon’s booth was located with lots of premier vehicles and auto company. Such like Alfa was next to Yulon, and Porsche was behind Yulon. The Yulon’s exhibition token media and attendee’s attention. To let global people know Taiwanese can design excellent car by ourselves, not just umbrella or bike only. 1987年,Feeling代表台灣參加東京車展,這是到目前為止,唯一參加國際車展的台灣車廠。 引起非常多國際媒體的重視,裕隆的位置就在Alfa旁邊,Porsche的後面,和許多世界名車一起展出。 這次展出引起許多人的興趣,原來台灣除了出產雨傘和腳踏車,也能自己設計汽車,並且擁有極佳的設計水準。
After 20 years, now we are start to develop a new car
After 20 years, now we are start to develop a new car! A car really belong to us and make by us and it is coming soon now. Although the challenge is tough and the investment is huge but we still have to do our own car. Please encourage Yulon’s bravery and give us support, Thanks!
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