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BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES National Synchrotron Light Source II Project Management Jim Yeck NLSL II Deputy Director (Project Management)

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Presentation on theme: "BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES National Synchrotron Light Source II Project Management Jim Yeck NLSL II Deputy Director (Project Management)"— Presentation transcript:

1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES National Synchrotron Light Source II Project Management Jim Yeck NLSL II Deputy Director (Project Management)

2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Overall Project Strategy Emphasis on schedule and critical path activities Schedule development currently not constrained by funding Conventional facilities are on the critical path until 2010 Relatively tight cost baseline with adequate contingency Strictly controlled and administered cost baseline Roughly 35% overall project contingency at CD-1 Provision for scope adjustments based on experience Expect some scope restoration under normal market conditions Some scope reductions (scope contingency) are also possible


4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Milestones DATEMilestoneActivity Aug. 2005CD0Approve Mission Need; Commence Conceptual Design Jan. 2006Initiate EA, AE/CM Solicitation/Selection Aug. 2006Submit Acquisition Strategy, etc Oct. 2006Approve Acquisition Strategy; Approve EA & issue FONSI; Committee Reviews Nov. 2006Complete CDR, Preliminary Cost Estimate and Schedules Dec. 2006CD1 Lehman Review Jan. 2007CD1Approve Alternate Selection and Cost Range; Commence Title I Design Dec. 2007CD2/CD3aApprove Performance Baseline; Commence Title II Design; Long Lead Procurements Sep. 2008CD3bApprove Start of construction 2009Construction underway, 15 months to Linac “ beneficial occupancy ”. 2011Installation and subsystem integration. 2013CD4a/CD4bComplete construction, installation, and commissioning. Begin operations.

5 Summary Schedule

6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES “ Notional ” Funding Profile (in $ millions) FY05FY06FY07FY08FY09FY10FY11FY12FY13Totals Other Project Costs14.8252054102046.2136 Project Engineering and Design 2042.52.565 Long-Lead Procurement 10 Construction12716515010047589 Totals14.84572.5134.516916012093.2800 Note: Funding in FY05-FY07 is actual. The funding profile for FY08 and later is notional and will depend on the annual appropriation process.


8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Next Steps Finalize scope, cost estimate, and contingency estimates Scope definition and WBS dictionary clarification Bottoms-up risk assessment and contingency estimates Complete schedule development Improve schedule logic and general technical realism Consider advice of internal advisory committees Establish resource and funding requirements

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