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Vocabulary #5. curr/curs: to run (as in move) occur — to happen; take place.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary #5. curr/curs: to run (as in move) occur — to happen; take place."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary #5

2 curr/curs: to run (as in move)

3 occur — to happen; take place

4 current— flow, as in a river

5 current — movement of electricity

6 current — popular, new, most recent

7 ped: foot or child

8 pedestrian — one who travels on foot

9 pedal foot operated lever bike pedal car pedal

10 pediatrics the branch of medicine concerned with the development, care, and diseases of babies and children.

11 flect/flex : to bend

12 flex to bend, to tighten

13 flexible capable of being bent

14 reflect to cast back (light,heat,sound) to show an image of

15 post : after or behind

16 postpone delay, set back

17 posthumous coming after death

18 posterior situated behind or at the rear of

19 crypt/cryph hidden

20 cryptic mysterious in meaning

21 apocryphal not authentic or false

22 Prefix: sub- under

23 substitute a person or thing acting or serving in place of another.

24 submarine a vessel that can be submerged and navigated under water

25 suffix -ous possessing the qualities of

26 courageous full of courage The Great Raid – The Philippines

27 bounteous full of bounty

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