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Process Simplification Advisory Committee August 26, 2009 Review of the University Telephone Directory.

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Presentation on theme: "Process Simplification Advisory Committee August 26, 2009 Review of the University Telephone Directory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Process Simplification Advisory Committee August 26, 2009 Review of the University Telephone Directory

2 Motivations for Review  Cost  Usage  Environmental Impact

3 Methods of Data Collection  Analysis of current University practices  External benchmarking  User Surveys

4 Analysis of Current University Practices  Departmental contacts update information and place directory orders  Communication Services conducts spot check and sends contact information to the publisher  Communication Services also places its directory order at this time. Last year’s order was for 22,000 print directories, based on 11,819 departmental orders, 4,500 student dorm rooms with telephones, and anticipated future requests.

5 Analysis of Current University Practices (Continued)  After securing advertisers for the directory, the publisher submits a set of electronic proofs to Communication Services for review  Upon approval of the proofs, the publisher prints the directories, delivers them to U.Va., and sends a check to Communications Services  Part of the proceeds from the directory is used to pay for directory distribution and storage.  Out of date, unused, and undistributed directories are eventually recycled

6 Storage of Undistributed Telephone Directories at the Fontana Facility

7 Telephone Directory Revenue and Costs FY 2008-09 Item DescriptionRevenue Generated Payment from University Directories$46,533 Item DescriptionCost Incurred Communications Services Staff Time to Check$920 Facilities Management Delivery Fee$7,250 Undistributed Directory Storage per year$1,260 Directory Recycling$3,381 E STIMATED N ET R EVENUE $33,722

8 External Benchmarking  Officials at 4 institutions interviewed  Reasons given for discontinuing print telephone directories:  Budget cuts/Constricted resources  Sustainability – move to “go paperless”  Redundancy – online directory already existed  Short “shelf-life”  Decline in usage  Decline in advertising revenue  Alternatives Formats  Searchable Online Directory  Full PDF Directory

9 User Surveys: Students  A walk-up survey was administered to a convenient sample of current U.Va. students over the course of 3 days in 2 different locations  A total of 280 students were surveyed  Assuming a student population size or 21,057, this sample size yields a 90% confidence rate and a margin of error of +5%

10 Student Survey: Results How often do you use the directory?

11 User Surveys: Faculty & Staff  An online survey was administered to individuals in academic, operational, and medical units across grounds  Stratified sampling was used to ensure appropriate representation of all unit types  318 total units across Grounds – 80 units sampled  103 academic units – 26 randomly sampled  71 operational units – 18 randomly sampled  144 medical units – 36 randomly sampled

12 User Surveys: Faculty & Staff (continued)  A total of 1,817 individuals participated in the electronic survey  Assuming a population size of 13,922, this sample sizes yields a 99% confidence rate and a margin of error of +2.85%.  Sample Demographics:  Unit Classification: 49% Academic, 35% Medical, 15% Operational  Personal Classification: 29% Faculty, 71% Staff

13 Faculty & Staff Survey: Results How often do you use the directory?

14 Who’s Using the Print Directory? Respondent Categories Two Main Respondent Categories:  Print Directory Users – respondents who reported using the print directory “often” or “very often”  19% of all respondents fall into this category  Print Directory Non-Users – respondents who reported using the print directory “sometimes,” “rarely,” or “never”  81% of all respondents fall into this category

15 Who’s Using the Print Directory? Respondent Categories (continued) Print directory users can be divided into two sub- categories:  Dual-Users: Print directory users who use the electronic directory “often” or “very often”  6% of all respondents fall into this category  Sole-Users: Print directory users who use the electronic directory only “sometimes,” “rarely,” or “never”  13% of all respondents fall into this category

16 Who’s Using the Print Directory? Respondent Categories (continued) Print Directory Users

17 Faculty & Staff Survey: Results (continued) Why do you use the print directory?

18 Recommendations In light of the previous results, Process Simplification offers the following options for improvement: 1) Eliminate Print Production Entirely & Enhance Electronic Features 2) Print Only Departmental Listings 3) Eliminate Production Overruns Process Simplification has provided a final report to the Vice President & Chief Information Officer

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