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2015-2016 Progression into the NU Undergraduate Schools Office of the Registrar.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016 Progression into the NU Undergraduate Schools Office of the Registrar."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 Progression into the NU Undergraduate Schools Office of the Registrar

2 You’ve almost finished

3 The next step How have I done this year attendance academic performance motivation How will I do on my EXAMS?

4 EXPECTATIONS The Undergraduate Schools have definite ideas of what they want in their programs. Have you met these expectations?

5 SEngSHSSSST Math70%60% Physics70%60% OR Biologyn/a60% Chemistryn/a60% OR Economicsn/aN/A International Relations n/aN/A AND EAP6060% Research6050% Overall65 TEST SCORES

6 School of Science & Technology CPS students who score between 50 and 59 in core subject modules may be admitted on a conditional basis (“GPA conditional students”). GPA conditional students will be required to maintain a 2.0 GPA during their first semester. A GPA conditional student who fails to do so will be subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President.

7 School of Science & Technology CPS graduates student receiving an EAP score below 60% may be admitted to the School of Science and Technology on a conditional basis (“EAP conditional student”) by decision of the Dean or other designated School official. An EAP conditional student will be required to take an additional English class during the Fall semester, and to re-take the EAP exam at the end of the semester. If the student fails to achieve a score higher than 60% for the second time/repeatedly he or she is subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President.

8 School of Science & Technology CPS graduates may be admitted to the School of Science and Technology as “double conditional students” if the conditions described in both paragraphs 11 and 12, above, apply. A “double conditional” student must satisfy both of the requirements described in GPA Conditional and EAP conditional, or they will be subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President.

9 School of Humanities & Social Science CPS students who score between 50 and 59 in core subject modules may be admitted on a conditional basis (“GPA conditional students”). GPA conditional students will be required to maintain a 2.0 GPA during their first semester. A GPA conditional student who fails to do so will be subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President

10 School of Humanities & Social Science CPS graduates student receiving an EAP score below 60% may be admitted to the School of Science and Technology on a conditional basis (“EAP conditional student”) by decision of the Dean or other designated School official. An EAP conditional student will be required to take an additional English class during the Fall semester, and to re-take the EAP exam at the end of the semester. If the student fails to achieve a score higher than 60% for the second time/repeatedly he or she is subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President.

11 School of Humanities & Social Science CPS graduates may be admitted to the School of Science and Technology as “double conditional students” if the conditions described in both paragraphs 11 and 12, above, apply. A “double conditional” student must satisfy both of the requirements described in GPA Conditional and EAP conditional, or they will be subject to dismissal from the University on the basis of the decision of the President.

12 School of Engineering Those CPS graduates who achieve an overall mark of at least 60% (or in exceptional cases if the overall score is between 58-59%) and subject marks of better than 50% but less than the marks specified above will also be considered for entry at the discretion of the Dean, with the final decision based on the Student Profiles prepared by the CPS.

13 Tutor Reports Tutor reports may be used in the decision-making process when they demonstrate a history during their preparatory year of that a student: – has been consistently absent from class – has had a history of plagiarism and/or cheating. and/or – has a continual behavioral problem that affects his/her ability to act as a serious student in undergraduate work or affects the work of other students or instructor.

14 THEN WHAT... Students will be notified by email when their final marks from CPS are received. – The email will explain what the steps and procedures are to make their final decisions for their first and second choice programs. – Once the decisions are made by students, lists will be generated by the Office of the Registrar with all pertinent information for the Admission committees within each School. Student profiles completed by CPS will be sent to each School for additional input into the decision.

15 Choose Your School When you receive your schools you will receive a link to an online module that will let you choose which school you want to make your 1 st and 2 nd choices.


17 FALL SEMESTER Testing Day 7 August – Friday Orientation 10 – 14 August First day of Fall classes 17 August - Monday

18 JULY SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 12131415161718 19 20 OR Receives Scores from UCL 21 Release of “Choose Your School” module to students 22 Students 23 Students 5:00 student access is closed 24 Schools Admission Committees 25 Schools Admission Committees 26 Schools Admission Committees 27 Schools Admission Committees 28 29 30 All students will have received notification by end of today 31 Dismissed students will request review AUGUST SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 2 3 All final decision must be completed included reviews 456 7 Students check into dorm KAZ TEST/Aleks 8 Students check into dorm 9 Students check into dorm 10 Academic Orientation 11 Academic Orientation 12 Academic Orientation 131415 1617 First Day of Classes 1819202122

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