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Project: ACM Compiler 2014 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Class ACM 2011 Dong Xie.

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Presentation on theme: "Project: ACM Compiler 2014 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Class ACM 2011 Dong Xie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project: ACM Compiler 2014 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Class ACM 2011 Dong Xie

2 Introduction

3  Task: Write a compiler of simplified C in full-featured Java to MIPS.  Main Reference Book: Compilers Principles Techniques and Tools  You may also need more materials:  Modern Compiler Implementation in Java/C/ML  MIPS-SPIM document  All kinds of papers  …

4 Introduction  You are allowed to use a language other than Java  Whoever bootstrapping C will get a full score  NO bonus needed for other language  BUT you may not have a good support from your TAs.  Apply it explicitly to TAs if you want to do this.

5 TA List  贺 天行 cloudygooseg [at]  解 东 xiedong1993 [at]  吴航 wuzhongminghang [at]  金天行 121665841 [at]  Google Groups: tiger-acm-sjtu [at]  IMPORTANT Be sure you have join this group.

6 Schedule & Principles  Lecture: every Friday 7 PM at SEIEE Building 3-404  Project Checkpoint Due: on some Friday 6 PM  There will be TWO code reviews during the project  NO CHEATING  NO LATE SUBMISSION  All test cases will be publicly available.

7 Versioning & Submission  Version your compiler codes using BitBucket.  You are NOT allowed to publish your code on the Internet  Create a private repo named compiler2014  Add username acmcompiler to your repository with read permission  Submit your code for each phase by creating a tag.

8 Grading  Data Correctness (60 points)  Performance (20 points)  Code review (5 points)  Attendance (5 points)  Bonus  Report  Mail list Summary  Helper  Book Reader  Performance Winners

9 Possible Bonus List  Use C language to implement the compiler.  Implement typedef  Implement higher order functions. (lambda expression, etc.)  Static analyzer (abstract interpreter)  Garbage collection (If you pass our testcases, you can get this bonus.)  Optimization (loop-unrolling, constants propagation, inline functions, dead code elimination, etc.)  Concurrency and scheduling  Reconstruct the AST ...

10 Q & A

11 Compiler Overview

12 Compilers vs. Interpreters  Compilers:  Interpreters:

13 Compiler Phases  Syntactic Analysis (Lexing, Parsing)  Semantic Analysis (Types, Scopes, …)  Intermediate Representation (IR)  Optimization (CPU, Registers, Memory, …)  Code Generation  Difference between compilers and interpreters?

14 Example  int a = 1;  print(a);  int b = “hello”  print(b)  When will a compiler and a interpreter raise the error.

15 Compiler Phases

16 Example  a = b + 42  ID(a) OP(=) ID(b) OP(+) NUM(42)

17 Example  t3 := t1 + 42  t2 := t3  lw $t1, -8($fp)  addi $t2, $t1, 42  sw $t2, -4($fp)

18 An Appetizer  A toy compiler as a tutorial written by Xiao Jia  Notice: you may not find IR phase in it.  You will find it VERY IMPORTANT if you have no idea to start.  Description:  Source Code:

19 Q & A

20 Phase 1: Syntactic Analysis

21 Example: Input #include int main(int argc) { printf(“Hello World!\n”); return 0 }

22 Task 1: Tokenlize int ( int ) { ( ) ; return ; }

23 Task 2: Parsering (func int main[(arg int argc)]) (stmtlist (expr (call printf[“Hello World!\n”])) (stmtlist (return (number 0))))  Note: you need to print out a AST NOT a Parser Tree.

24 Syntactic Specification  Tokens:  Grammar:

25 Tools & Grading  Following tools are allowed:  lex / yacc / Quex / flex / bison  re2c / lemon  Jflex / CUP  ANTLR (v3 or v4)  Ragel  This phase will be manually judged in code review.  Feel free to design your own output formats!

26 Q & A

27 Thanks for listening… Contact:

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