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Leading by using the THE CARROT PRINCIPLE Presented by Prerna Richards Program Director Mi Escuelita Preschool.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading by using the THE CARROT PRINCIPLE Presented by Prerna Richards Program Director Mi Escuelita Preschool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading by using the THE CARROT PRINCIPLE Presented by Prerna Richards Program Director Mi Escuelita Preschool

2 THE CARROT PRINCIPLE How the best managers use recognition to engage their people, retain talent, and accelerate performance By Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton Lee J. Colan [ ] Mi Escuelita Preschool

3 LEADERS Who is a leader? What is their main role? Emotionally connecting with your team members

4 LEADERSHIP CONTINUED… They set the tone Leaders need to be visionaries Developing your leadership takes years A successful leader empowers

5 THE BASIC FOUR OF LEADERSHIP 1Goal Setting 2Communication 3 Trust 4 Accountability

6 SATISFIED OR ENGAGED Are your team members satisfied or engaged? Or both? How can you tell? Characteristics of a satisfied staff member Mi Escuelita Preschool

7 ENGAGED EMPLOYEES Characteristics of an engaged employee Three important questions that all employees ask… What ’ s important around here? How can I make a difference? What ’ s in it for me when I do make a difference?

8 GOAL SETTING 1Set Meaningful Goals 2Set clear and achievable Goals 2SMART way of setting goals

9 VALUES AND MISSION Personal Values Knowing and living our mission- Connecting the employee goals with the organization goals

10 VALUES CONTINUED.. Walk the talk The strongest statements are made without saying a single word

11 COMMUNICATION Keep everyone informed and involved. Communication within the company or site will happen whether the leader does it or not. Communicating who we are and what we do Mi Escuelita Preschool

12 COMMUNICATION…. Better facilitated by the leader than the team members Our actions and words should communicate we are a quality preschool Mi Escuelita Preschool

13 TRUST When leaders are trusted there is a greater level of involvement. People respond in kind to the way they are treated (respect). Becoming more visible to the employees Mi Escuelita Preschool

14 HOW TO BUILD TRUST AMONGST TEAM MEMBERS? Be willing to pitch in Listen and respect employees Keep your word and commitments Treat them fairly Take responsibility for your mistakes PRAISE PUBLICLY AND CRITISIZE PRIVATELY

15 WORDS OF WISDOM ON TRUST “ Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great. ” Ralph Waldo Emerson “ Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him and let him know that you trust him ” Booker T Washington

16 ACCOUNTABILITY Hold ourselves for being honest We don ’ t make excuses: we make it right Not only Identifying the employee mistake but also their success. I AM EITHER RESPONSIBLE OR IRRESPONSIBLE Mi Escuelita Preschool

17 Define the problem Show appreciation when they make a change for the positive Clearly share your expectations Share the lessons learned without embarrassing anyone See it, own it, solve it, and do it ACCOUNTABILITY

18 CELEBRATING SUCCESS Recognition is frequent and meaningful Positive feedback increases the sense of competence while negative feedback undermines it. We communicate to the masses but manage to the one Mi Escuelita Preschool

19 Awards within the program “Catch them doing good” Connect with each staff member CELEBRATING SUCCESS Mi Escuelita Preschool


21 RECOGNITION IDEAS Greeting people by their name every morning Set a goal to find out a new thing about your team member each day To praise even the smallest movement towards valued behavior Mi Escuelita Preschool

22 RECOGNITION IDEAS High five boards Gathering everyone in the hall for the “ shout out ” Hand written cards Certificates- long lunch Celebrating the service anniversary date Announcing during a meeting if a parent pays a compliment to a team member

23 RECOGNITION IDEAS Five compliments to every one criticism Sixty seconds and three steps Praise should be public and criticism should be private Treat the award with dignity adds value to it

24 RECOGNITION IDEAS Once every seven days Doing their least favorite task for the day Recognize the staff you can depend on

25 CONCLUSION Questions or Comments? Mi Escuelita Preschool

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