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Energy – Where does it come from? ES 302. Objectives What is energy? What forms does it come in & how do we use it? Understand that ALL sources of energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy – Where does it come from? ES 302. Objectives What is energy? What forms does it come in & how do we use it? Understand that ALL sources of energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy – Where does it come from? ES 302

2 Objectives What is energy? What forms does it come in & how do we use it? Understand that ALL sources of energy have costs and benefits

3 What is Energy? Energy  “The ability to do work”. Remember: The amount of energy in the universe is constant, but it flows in a one way path What are the 2 major laws??? - 1 st and 2 nd Law of thermodynamics What are the 6 major forms? - light, chemical, nuclear, mechanical, electrical, heat

4 Energy Resources Renewable Energy – Hydroelectric – Wind – Solar – Biofuels – Hydrogen fuel cell – Geothermal Nonrenewable Energy – Oil – Coal – Natural gas – Nuclear

5 What was the US’s principal energy source… in 1875? In 1910? In 1960?

6 What is your guess? Fossil fuel powerWind / solar power Nuclear powerHydroelectric power 1.Out of the energy sources above, which is used the most worldwide? Least? 2.Guess what percentage each source contributes to the world’s energy supply. 3.Create a graph.


8 Can you make it work? What is causing the ball to light up? Where is the power coming from?

9 Can you light the lightbulb? Make a circuit = energy CIRCLE

10 What is electricity? The movement of electrons. Created by moving wires (electrons) through a magnetic field.

11 Energy is needed to make electricity Where does the supply of electrons come from? Can you list the steps to create electricity?


13 Electricity Production Coal/oil/natural gas fired power plants 1.Burn fossil fuel to make heat. 2.Heat boils water to make steam. 3.High pressured steam turns a turbine. 4.Moving turbine spins a magnet within wires (generator). 5.The magnet creates a flow of electrons = Electricity! 6.Moving electrons sent through wires to houses, schools, etc.


15 What is a watt? 1 watt = energy to lift 100 g (or 1 Newton) in 1.0 seconds. It is a measure of energy over time

16 Other Units of Energy 1 calorie 1 Btu (British thermal unit) 1 Q (quad) = 1 quadrillion Btu (very large!) – The U.S. uses ~ 1 quad of energy about every 3.7 days 1 kWh = one kilowatt of electricity over 1 hour

17 Can you make 2 observations regarding energy and electricity generation?

18 Extra Resources 2 nd set of notes on Energy: Usage & Quality

19 Net Energy Energy Quality Energy Efficiency Energy in = Energy Out But the quality is always lower

20 It takes energy to get energy Before it’s useful… Oil must be  1.Found 2.Pumped 3.Transported 4.Refined 5.Transported 6.burned

21 Net energy Total useful energy available from the resource over its lifetime minus the amount of energy used and wasted Example: – 10 units of energy in oil in ground – Use 8 units to find, extract, process, transport – How much net energy available? 2 units


23 Energy Quality Second Law: In any energy conversion, you will end up with lower quality (less usable) energy than you started with. QUALITY = The measure of the energy’s ability to be used to produce mechanical or electrical energy Low temperature heat has the LOWEST quality

24 Energy Efficiency Amount of energy that gets converted to useful energy.

25 What’s the difference?

26 Light bulb or heat bulb?



29 Two sides to everything. http:// Take old bulbs to Lowe’s or Home Depot!


31 How can changing a light bulb reduce greenhouse gases?

32 Example of the Laws of Conservation of Matter and Thermodynamics Global Warming Acid Rain Smog Burning Coal = CO 2 + SO + H 2 0 + Ash + (C x H x S x O x ) Light + Noise + Heat Matter Cycles, Energy Flows


34 Cartoon: Mini-FBL lesson

35 Discuss the following questions… 1.What is global warming?...climate change? Are they the same? 2.What have you heard about it? 3.Do you think it ’ s “ real? ”

36 Climate change vs. Global warming Climate change - major changes in climate (temperature, rainfall, snow, or wind patterns) lasting for decades or longer. Global warming - average increase in temperatures near the Earth ’ s surface and in the lowest layer of the atmosphere. – One form of climate change

37 Global warming In specific terms, an increase of 1 or more Celsius degrees in a period of 100 – 200 years would be considered global warming. Over the course of a single century, an increase of even 0.4 degrees Celsius would be significant.

38 Byproducts of electrical generation Burning coal  Air: Mercury, CO2, SO2, NO2, fly ash  Water: thermal pollution, acid rain  Ground: bottom ash


40 Simple Solutions…

41 What processes involve the transfer of carbon?

42 Carbon Cycle Drawing Make your own, UNIQUE, drawing of the carbon cycle (both land and ocean). Include the following: – Photosynthesis, decomposition, respiration, combustion, diffusion, (LABEL ALL) – Include yourself somewhere in the cycle – Point out where humans interfere/alter the carbon cycle

43 How Fossil Fuels Are Formed


45 Did you beat Mrs. Loch? You analyzed your (presumed) usage of electricity – That energy is secondary Primary Energy Resources: The fossil fuels(oil, gas, and coal), nuclear energy, falling water, geothermal, and solar energy. Secondary Energy Resources: Those sources which are derived from primary resources such as electricity, fuels from coal, (synthetic natural gas and synthetic gasoline), as well as alcohol fuels.

46 Do you have any vampires in your house?

47 What if I left my computer on every night… How much energy would it consume? Assume 14 hours In “sleep” mode, the computer draws 4 watts/hour How much would it cost the district per day? Per year? 1 kWh costs $0.15 What if all computers at the school were left on? Energy consumed? Cost to district? Around 200 computers at UDHS


49 Sources of electricity


51 Matter cycles, energy flows

52 What is our best immediate energy option? 1. Cut out unnecessary energy waste by improving energy efficiency 2. Transition to a renewable or solar age – Sun, wind, flowing water, biomass, geothermal, hydrogen gas 3. Burn more coal & synthetic gas/liquids 4. Natural gas 5. Nuclear power

53 No matter what our decision… Ask: How much will be available in the next 15 years? the next 30 years? longterm? What is the source’s net energy yield? How much will it cost to develop, phase in, and use this energy resource? How will extracting, transporting, and using the energy resource affect the environment? Can this energy source help us sustain the earth?

54 sHwg&feature=related sHwg&feature=related – Very slow explanation of current & voltage. Nice analogy to water (river, lake) ou0 ou0 – Cardboard generator constrxn (7:44)

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