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Ysgrifennu: Anelu am lefel 5, 6 neu 7 Writing: Aiming for level 5, 6 or 7.

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Presentation on theme: "Ysgrifennu: Anelu am lefel 5, 6 neu 7 Writing: Aiming for level 5, 6 or 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ysgrifennu: Anelu am lefel 5, 6 neu 7 Writing: Aiming for level 5, 6 or 7

2 Rhaid i chi...  write for different purposes  write in a variety of forms  develop your ideas in a sensible and organised manner and connect sentences  express your opinion simply  use suitable words and phrases fairly correctly and vary sentence patterns  spell correctly usually and use punctuation consistently  present neat and effective work

3 Rhaid i chi:  write for different purposes  write fairly confidently in a variety of forms  develop your ideas including relevant detail  express an opinion and sometimes provide a reason  use suitable words and phrases fairly correctly and to create an effect  spell the majority of words correctly usually and use paragraphs and punctuation  present neat and effective work

4 Rhaid i chi:  write for different purposes  write confidently using a variety of different forms  use suitable language to record facts, experiences and familiar events in detail  express an opinion and provide reasons to support my opinion  write the majority of sentences correctly using natural Welsh language patterns  spell the majority of words correctly and use paragraphs and punctuation effectively  present neat and effective work

5 Lefel 5Lefel 6Lefel 7 write for different purposes write in a variety of formswrite fairly confidently in a variety of forms write confidently using a variety of different forms develop your ideas in a sensible and organised manner and connect sentences develop your ideas including relevant detail use suitable language to record facts, experiences and familiar events in detail express your opinion simplyexpress an opinion and sometimes provide a reason express an opinion and provide reasons to support your opinion use suitable words and phrases fairly correctly and vary sentence patterns use suitable words and phrases fairly correctly and to create an effect write the majority of sentences correctly using natural Welsh language patterns spell correctly usually and use punctuation consistently spell the majority of words correctly usually and use paragraphs and punctuation spell the majority of words correctly and use paragraphs and punctuation effectively present neat and effective work

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