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Mirela Blekic Portland State University April 15, 2015 Student Success and the Role of Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Mirela Blekic Portland State University April 15, 2015 Student Success and the Role of Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mirela Blekic Portland State University April 15, 2015 Student Success and the Role of Faculty

2 Agenda Barriers and contributors to success Faculty and student success Conversation

3 Did you know?... About 3/4 of freshman who don't return to PSU for their second year leave in good academic standing? Students who transfer to PSU as sophomores are 47% less likely to be retained to third year compared with sophomore students who started at PSU as freshman? 14% of students who complete UNST Capstone don't graduate from PSU within 4-10 years since completing the course? Mentors and mentees commit to 1000 minutes of mentoring in Freshman Inquiry and 500 minutes in Sophomore Inquiry per term.

4 What kinds of problems that impede student success might your students/you encounter? Academic Financial Personal Other

5 Other Contributors to Success Student Satisfaction Student Motivation Student-Faculty Involvement/Interaction Peer-to-Peer Interaction Engaged Learning Other Factors

6 Faculty and Student Success – One Approach* Identify and Act Early Identify Persistence indicators in the first four weeks: Two or more absences Missed assignment deadlines Academic difficulties in early work Act Early Track student absences and performance. *Based on the work of UNST Faculty Retention Committee (2010)

7 Faculty and Student Success – One Approach* Recommendations Three-prong escalating strategy: 1)Contact student expressing concern and offering help. 2)Faculty meets with student. 3)Connect student to university resources (e.g., writing classes and resources, advising, etc.). *Based on the work of UNST Faculty Retention Committee (2010)

8 Faculty and Student Success – One Approach Is this a viable approach? – Advantages? – Disadvantages? Can this approach be strengthened? How? Are there barriers in referring students to services on campus? – If yes, what are they?

9 Faculty and Student Success - Discussion What role should faculty play in student success efforts? – What does one need to know to support students? – What are the limitations on the role of faculty? Knowledge (faculty cannot solve all student problems). Limitations due to other responsibilities (teaching, research, and service obligations). Is there a difference in the role of UNST faculty and faculty in other departments as it relates to student success? What should we do next? – What can be done now? – What strategies require additional resources?

10 Thank You! Mirela Blekic University Studies

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