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Welcome to Chichester Class Year 3/4 Mrs Kernoghan.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Chichester Class Year 3/4 Mrs Kernoghan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Chichester Class Year 3/4 Mrs Kernoghan

2 Mrs Kernoghan – class teacher Mrs Field – teaching assistant Mrs Keane – teaching assistant - Fridays Mrs Irvine – PPA cover Mrs Owers - French Adults in the classroom

3 Timetable

4 Working With Others Teaches the children key skills for working together and supporting their peers, also for independent work. 3 before me – encourages independence in the classroom.

5 Homework Goes home on a Tuesday to be returned the following Monday. It will be a mix of spellings, ‘My Maths’, topic. Creative homework connected with our topic – Once upon a time. KS2 children should be reading at least three times a week this being written in their reading diaries.

6 Key dates for your diary 14 th September - After school clubs start (except for choir starts W/O 21 st ) 21 st September, 2.15pm – ‘My Maths’ workshop for families 28 th September – homework starts this week 2 nd October, 9.15am – CAFOD Harvest assembly lead by Chichester class 10 th and 12 th November – Parents evenings 16 th November – Class swimming lessons begin 27 th November – Christmas Fayre

7 Behaviour management Class Charter – all children devised and have signed to agree to. Rewards for expected behaviour – shining lights, house points, marble jar.

8 Bits and bobs P.E kits need to be in all week as our lessons are timetabled for Monday and Friday. Class prayers – Hail Mary, Glory Be and Our Father for morning, lunchtime and end of day prayers. The children have voted for Harry Potter as our class book which I will read to them as a class. Open door – please come and see me if you have any issues or concerns. Any questions?

9 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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