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Traditional Stories of Aboriginal Peoples The Relationship Between Humans and Their Environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Traditional Stories of Aboriginal Peoples The Relationship Between Humans and Their Environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traditional Stories of Aboriginal Peoples The Relationship Between Humans and Their Environment

2 Agenda ● Story: The Elders are Watching by David Bouchard and Roy Henry Vickers ● Group Activity ● Lesson Debrief

3 Story The Elders Are Watching. By David Bouchard and Roy Henry Vickers.

4 Questions During Reading. Read The Elders are Watching in three chunks to students. Pages 8-22 -What are some of the worries and concerns that the elders have with the people of the land? Pages 24-40 What do the elders say the people promised to do? Pages 42-55 What have the people done that is making the elders smile?

5 Look to the mountain

6 Eagles's Moon

7 Old Town

8 A Meeting Of Chiefs

9 Chinook

10 Meares Island

11 Chief's Dream

12 Siwash Rock

13 Guiding Questions What are the elders watching and why? What do we learn from Aboriginal stories about our relationship with the environment?

14 Group Activity ● Groups of 3 ● Create an art piece that represents an aspect or scene in nature ● Take photo and transfer image to Chatterpix Kids ● Use the App to create a voice message with words/images that you learned from the poem and that tries to answer the guiding question

15 Assessment Class generated rubric on oral presentation ● assessing their oral skills when presenting in front of the class and their voice within the app ● creating rubric together helps the students have joint ownership of the project

16 Links to the Curriculum Big Ideas ●Different environmental features present people with different challenges and opportunities ●Cultural knowledge can be passed down through oral history, traditions and collective memory Curricular competencies ●use Social Studies inquiry processes (ask questions, gather, interpret and analyze ideas and communicate findings and decisions) ●explain how and why people, events and places are significant Concepts and content ●traditional stories and the nature of the relationship between humans and their environment ●the impact of environment on cultural characteristics and ways of life in indigenous societies

17 Misconceptions ● Students don’t have grandparents or an elder to connect with and therefore don’t feel they have someone to learn from. ● Students can learn from other people in their life. ● Students may feel their actions have no impact on the environment.

18 Adaptations ● Students with fine motor difficulties have the option of drawing an image on the iPad using Apps such as Draw & Tell ● Take photos of images they want to incorporate from real life or websites such as Morguefile ● Use of Boardmaker and Clicker to develop a story

19 Conclusion Extensions ● Written composition to show how your personal choices affect the environment. Use evidence from the poem ● Write to explain a lesson you have learned from an Elder in your life ● “My Heart Soars” poem by Chief Dan George ● Chatterpix Kids beyond this project

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