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2013 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute

2 Day Seventeen Agenda 1.Scribe Report, Breakfast, Browsing 2.Ticket out the Door Review 3.Organizing Materials and Resources 4.Reflecting on the Teaching of Writing 5.Action Planning 6.LUNCH- Response Groups 7.Writing Time 8.Where Can You Go with SNWP? (Part 2) 9.Ticket out the Door

3 2013 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute



6 Getting Organized  Make a big pile of your stuff  Grab some post-its and highlighters  Go through all your materials—schedules, writing prompt handouts, demo packets, articles, etc.—making notes of things you want to remember and use in some way.  Punch and put your materials into your binder in a way that makes sense to you and is easily retrievable.

7 2013 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute

8 Reflecting on the Teaching of Writing  Review your reflective writing  Identify practices you want to keep, change, or eliminate  How have our discussions about the CCSS influenced your decisions?

9 2013 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute

10 Action Planning  Based on your experiences at the ISI, identify several areas of focus for the coming school year and beyond  Using the Action Plan Template, create a plan that will help you connect the What? Why? How? And When?  After you write the plan, identify the most important areas for you and move them to the top of the plan  Share your draft plan with your inquiry group to receive feedback and exchange ideas and revise your action plan

11 2013 Southern Nevada Writing Project Summer Institute



14 Where Can You Go with SNWP?  ISI Planning / Facilitating  Youth Programs / Youth Writing Camps  Technology  Marketing / Communications  Advocacy / Fundraising  Fall Conference Planning and/or Presenting  College Readiness Summit Planning  Writing with Friends / Writing Marathons  Book Study / Inquiry and Research / Writing Groups  SNCTE

15 Ticket out the Door: 1.What were your impressions of the organizing, reflecting, and action planning we did today? 2.What opportunities at SNWP might interest you in the future?

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