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TERENA Technical Programme Update TERENA General Assembly Meeting Riga, Latvia 26 October 2007 Christoph Graf TERENA VP Technical Programme

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Presentation on theme: "TERENA Technical Programme Update TERENA General Assembly Meeting Riga, Latvia 26 October 2007 Christoph Graf TERENA VP Technical Programme"— Presentation transcript:

1 TERENA Technical Programme Update TERENA General Assembly Meeting Riga, Latvia 26 October 2007 Christoph Graf TERENA VP Technical Programme

2 Slide 2 The Secretariat Technical Staff ›John Dyer - Chief Technical Officer ›Valentino Cavalli - Deputy Chief Technical Officer ›Licia Florio - Project Development Officer ›Kevin Meynell - Project Development Officer ›New PDO from Jan 2008 ›IT Support Staff ›Dick Visser - System and Network Administrator ›Christian Gijtenbeek - Senior Web Developer ›Gijsbert Sliedrecht - Junior Web Developer and System Administrator

3 Slide 3 TERENA Technical Committee ›Christoph Graf, SWITCH - Chairman ›Andrew Cormack, JANET UK ›Diego Lopez, RED.ES ›Steve Williams, JANET UK ›Martin Sutter, SWITCH ›Afrodite Sevasti, GRNET ›…

4 Slide 4 TERENA Technical Programme Active Portfolio ›Task-Forces and related services ›TF-EMC2 ›Server Certificate Service - SCS ›“ Trust broker ” service - TACAR ›TF-Mobility ›GN2 eduroam Service Activity (SA5) ›TF-ECS ›GN2 Videoconferencing Service Activity (SA6) ›TF-CSIRT ›Training for CSIRT staff - TRANSITS ›CSIRT team accreditation - TI (Trusted Introducer) ›Active FP6 Projects ›NoAH ›SEREEN2 ›GN2

5 Slide 5 TAC conclusions NREN ’ s interest in lower-layer research (Lyngby GA) ›A general request for having a neutral and open information exchange place where results and discussion are facilitated › As we had earlier, but TF-NGN suffered a severe form of “ GEANT2 monopolisation ” › Too early for entering in the area of “ working together ” on a few common projects? ›Probably not, but lacking the community to make this happen ›Start with workshop organisation and e-support (mailing list?) ›To regain contact with relevant communities and identify issues with sufficiently large take-up ›Not ready for a TF-like activity now ›But clearly working towards this goal and taking up issues as we go

6 Slide 6 FP7 Project Proposals ›Result of the 1st Call with TERENA participation: ›FEDERICA negotiation ended in September, expected contract start 01-01-2008 ›Other proposals: ›VISUALIVE invited to hearing but not to negotiation ›CADIR invited to hearing but not to negotiation ›MOME2 not retained

7 Slide 7 FEDERICA - TERENA-led Activities › NA2 “ Building and Consolidating the User Community ” › NA4 “ Dissemination and Training ” ›4.1 (TERENA) Organise Conferences and Workshops ›4.2 (GARR) Publishing of Dissemination Material, Website etc. ›4.3 (TERENA) Familiarise End User to the FEDERICA Virtual Infrastructure and Tool-Bench › JRA2 “ Novel paradigms and User Control ” ›2.1 (TERENA) Architectural Paradigms for Virtualised Infrastructures ›2.2 (ICCS) Novel Concepts for Fair Sharing, Security, Accounting and Business Models for Virtualised Infrastructures ›2.3 (i2Cat) User Controlled Service Provisioning

8 Slide 8 NA2 ›Gathering initial requirements by talking with a small set of selected users (work to start before the contract and finished at month 3) ›Carrying out interviews with end users/researchers, visiting labs etc ›Undertaking quality and quantity analysis in order to provide a segmentation of the user groups ›Extend contacts with users (especially FP7/FIRE projects but not only), provide mechanism for regular exchange of information and possibly lead to formal agreement to use the FEDERICA services.

9 Slide 9 NA4 ›TNA4.1 Participate/make presentations in national (NREN) and international conferences, demonstrations, organise sessions at TNC, organise FEDERICA event, possibly collocated with an existing event, participate in EC concertation mechanisms ›TNA4.2 Internal and external portals, branding, produce and distribute promotional materials, other sort of PR support including newsletters ›TNA4.3 Organise training seminars and workshops for researchers, operators and end users (two event/year in principle)

10 Slide 10 JRA2 ›JRA1 is about technologies, JRA2 about architectures and services ›TJRA2.1 Devise architecture for the FEDERICA virtualised infrastructure, incl. bandwidth and storage, contribute to design of control plane in the tool-bench, evaluate the performance of software routers running on virtual machines, explore advanced topics, such as power-aware routing ›TJRA2.2 Study SLS, role of business models, fairness of infrastructure use, develop monitoring techniques, and study security implications ›TJRA2.3 User-control service provisioning, based on extending UCLPv2 with a gateway compliant to IPsphere specifications

11 Slide 11 FEDRICA - TERENA Resources Budget and Timing ›Estimate Effort PM (TERENA) ›NA2 5.0 ›NA417.5 ›JRA2 9.0 ›Tot31.5 ›Total Costs incl. Overhead 384.626 euro ›Commission Contribution254.074 euro ›Duration 30 months ›Expected start date 01-01-2008

12 Slide 12 Thank you! Questions?

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