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Open-DIS Open Source Distributed Interactive Simulation Protocol in C++ and Java Don McGregor (mcgredo <at>

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Presentation on theme: "Open-DIS Open Source Distributed Interactive Simulation Protocol in C++ and Java Don McGregor (mcgredo <at>"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open-DIS Open Source Distributed Interactive Simulation Protocol in C++ and Java Don McGregor (mcgredo <at>

2 Distributed Interactive Simulation
What is it? • Well-known military modeling & simulation protocol, standardized in IEEE-1278 family of standards • Used in real time military simulations • Can interoperate with High Level Architecture (HLA) via gateways • Actively being developed via the SISO DIS PDG; 200x standard is upcoming

3 Open Source Standards DIS is a classic candidate for an open source implementation • Standardized in 1995, relatively slow moving target • Many client applications • Extremely long product cycles in DoD means licenses become a major issue as companies move on • Why is the government paying for this code over and over again? In either buying a commercial implementation or paying contractors to write it for their own applications, the government has been paying people to write the same code for decades

4 Open Source DIS Strategy
Do it, do it right, and give it away The free version should be higher quality than self-written implementations Create an open source reference implementation and stop re-inventing the wheel. Make it easier, better, and simpler to just download the code rather than to write or buy a version This requires a simple open source license that does not contaminate proprietary vendor code Works well with long product life cycles Aligns with DoD Modeling and Simulation Strategic Vision

5 Open-DIS Two implementations right now, trying to converge to one:
• DIS-XML: can read and write to XML, Java only • Open-DIS: Java and C++ source, but does not yet read & write XML. This should be fixed shortly. Open-DIS is the first open source C++ implementation

6 XML Advantages • Preferred format for archiving
• Access to the full range of XML tools, including databases (XML and relational), transformation, web services, etc • Can ship XML-ified DIS across XMPP • DIS data is no longer an island--it’s just more XML data

7 Getting the Code Source code is available for download at License is BSD. Non-viral, intended to be as friendly as possible to commercial adoption We do not want to hear the excuse “but this will make us open source our proprietary code”--it won’t.

8 Delta 3D The C++ work was done in cooperation with NPS’s open source game engine, Delta3D--the objective is to have the game engine able to work with DIS and military sims, plugged in with SimKit discrete event simulation

9 Future Work Lots of potential future work here:
• DIS-HLA gateway, using the Portico open source HLA implementation to bridge to the other major DoD M&S networking standard • Supporting tools: Loggers, data analysis, etc. • DIS Enumerations • In general: create reference open source implementations of DoD M&S standards • Hook up DoD protocols to commercial MMOG frameworks

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