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The value of print produced by. What is print? Printing is a process whereby a message is communicated.

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Presentation on theme: "The value of print produced by. What is print? Printing is a process whereby a message is communicated."— Presentation transcript:

1 The value of print produced by

2 What is print? Printing is a process whereby a message is communicated

3 Where is print?

4 on our streets…

5 in our buildings…

6 on our food and drink…

7 The power of print… politics advertisingeducation

8 P R I N T is everywhere!

9 Andy Warhol used print techniques to create his famous pop art works Terry Frost numbers his prints and sells them for thousands of pounds in galleries across the world PRINT in ART

10 How does it work? yellowblack colour combinations through a series of dots that can be printed onto a page... The colour spectrum is made out of the three primary colours (red-green- blue). These are converted into cyan, magenta, yellow and black to generate thousands of colour combinations through a series of dots that can be printed onto a page... colours... as well as thousands of special colours we are able to reproduce every colour in the spectrum.

11 The press The image dots are transferred onto metal plates which are clamped onto cylinders on the printing press. As a sheet or reel of paper passes through the press, that image is transferred to the sheet of paper to produce a printed copy.

12 Where can you find printers? Where there are people… … there is print!

13 Money talk Along with publishing, PRINT is the UK’s 5 th largest manufacturing Industry worth … £43.4bn a year the UK economy

14 UK printing industry (size & performance)  £14.6 billion turnover  £7.5 billion GVA (50%)  11,000 companies  153,000 employees Source: ONS / BPIF Information Services

15 Concerns? Because print is a paper based industry… ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES are a major concern… …But the reality it that… … all the major paper companies of the world are already planting far more trees than they are chopping down.. …It is estimated that in the developed world today there are 25 percent more trees than there were 100 years ago

16 The Future… is in using latest technology to get the message or product to the customer in more novel and personalised ways

17 The BPIF Want to know more about the printing industry? Contact the British Printing Industries Federation! WHO ARE WE? We represent the UK Printing Industry We support the majority of printing professionals We provide training and expert advice WE ARE PRINT!

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