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JMBE An insider’s guide to publishing JMBE curriculum articles Jean A. Cardinale, Alfred University Curriculum Editor, Journal of Microbiology & Biology.

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Presentation on theme: "JMBE An insider’s guide to publishing JMBE curriculum articles Jean A. Cardinale, Alfred University Curriculum Editor, Journal of Microbiology & Biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 JMBE An insider’s guide to publishing JMBE curriculum articles Jean A. Cardinale, Alfred University Curriculum Editor, Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education

2 JMBE Have you previously published teaching-related material or a curricular activity? If yes, where? Please type response in chat window

3 JMBE Today’s goals: At the end of today’s session, you will: Know the purpose of JMBE curriculum articles, Know the required components needed for acceptance, Be empowered to follow through and get that resource published!

4 JMBE Outline JMBE overview A walk through of the submission and review process The nuts and bolts of good curricular articles Common problems to keep in mind

5 JMBE Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education The journal's mission is to: – Promote good pedagogy and design, – Foster scholarly teaching, and – Advance biology education research.

6 JMBE Unique features of the journal: Open source, electronic content Rigorous peer review Volunteer driven Guidance during review process

7 JMBE Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education (2.0) consists of: Research Perspectives Curriculum Departments: – Tips and Tools – Reviews – News – Letters to the Editor Assessment Research (More) Curriculum Tips and Tools (Less)

8 JMBE What are Curriculum articles? Innovative classroom activities and laboratory exercises for undergraduates – Actively engage students – Have well written learning objectives – Field tested – Include detailed instructions & support materials – Contain modifications and extensions Open submission, indexed, peer reviewed

9 JMBE Submitting to

10 JMBE What happens after you press ‘submit’? Editor reviews for scope – Assigns section editor (SE) SE assigns reviewers, oversees review – Approximately 6 weeks SE notifies Editor, Editor makes decision and notifies author Accept as is Revision requested Revise and resubmit Reject

11 JMBE Submission outcomes Total First submissions44 Published after first submission 818% Second submissions7 Published after second submission 571% Overall25%

12 JMBE What do good curricular articles have in common? Type your responses into the chat box

13 JMBE What’s needed in an article? General layout Organization – 4 Main sections: Abstract, Introduction, Procedure, Discussion – References – Supplementary material 4000 word maximum Image formatting instructions and other “incidentals”

14 JMBE What’s needed in an article? Introduction Rational for design Background information Includes subsections: – Intended audience – Learning time – Prerequisite student knowledge – Learning objectives

15 JMBE What’s needed in an article? Procedure Includes all information that allows adopting instructors to adapt and run the activity Includes subsections: – Materials – Student instructions and faculty instructions – Suggestions for determining student learning – Sample data – Safety issues

16 JMBE What’s needed in an article? Discussion Highlight effectiveness and provide evidence of student learning Includes subsections: – Field testing – Evidence of student learning – Potential modifications

17 JMBE How do I provide “evidence of student learning”? How do you know what your students know? Previously used evidence: – Pre-post testing – Average scores on rubric criteria for assignments – Outcomes on exam questions – % completion of activities/components

18 JMBE “My students loved this activity, and when surveyed, they reported that it really helped them learn about x, y, and z.”

19 JMBE What’s needed in an article? Supplemental material Student ready handouts/instructions Detailed faculty support materials Powerpoints or other instructional material Surveys, quizzes Grading rubrics and keys

20 JMBE Thinking about common problems… Remember: review decisions are: – Accept as is – Revision required (minor revisions) – Revise and resubmit (major revisions) – Reject

21 JMBE What do you think would result is a review decision of “reject”? Type your responses in the chat box

22 JMBE What do you think are common revision requests? Type your responses in the chat box

23 JMBE Common problems: Learning objectives are poorly written Evidence of student learning is not provided Results of field testing are not included Activity is not novel, or closely duplicates a previously published activity Abstract is not concise or comprehensive Expected outcomes are not provided Safety issues are not addressed Activity does not allow active learning (i.e., it is a ‘cookbook’ exercise) Article needs to be proofread Article missing key elements (instructions not followed)

24 JMBE Final thoughts: Follow instructions for authors Reviewing is a great way to learn the process Don’t be discouraged by requests for revision Advocate for recognition of educational publications And…

25 JMBE Be an Author! (Thanks for your attention) ?’s?

26 JMBE Follow-up assignment: Identify an activity you could submit to JMBE Curriculum Write a short paragraph describing your activity Draft the learning objectives for this activity, and identify tools that you could used to provide evidence of student learning across those objectives

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