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Technology Systems I JEOPARDY! Catch the Wave History Ends with “ER” Name that Scientist It Does What? 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Systems I JEOPARDY! Catch the Wave History Ends with “ER” Name that Scientist It Does What? 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:


2 Technology Systems I

3 JEOPARDY! Catch the Wave History Ends with “ER” Name that Scientist It Does What? 10 20 30 40 50

4 JEOPARDY! ROUND 2 Units of Measure In order to… How Waves Behave Circuit Sense Safety First! 10 20 30 40 50

5 DOUBLE JEOPARDY! It’s All in A Name Codes Procedures Why or Why Not? Design Calcs 20 40 60 80 100

6 FINAL JEOPARDY!  Find the power used by the 5  Resistor AND  Find the total current out of the source

7 As frequency goes up, this goes down..

8 In this type of wave motion, the particles of the medium move perpendicular to the direction the wave travels.

9 This term describes the physical distance between adjacent crests (or troughs) of a wave.

10 This class of waves do not require a physical medium.

11 This term describes one complete pattern of a wave.

12 Invented In the 1790’s Claude Chappe’s telegraph system only worked in this.

13 These ancient people first described the peculiar static effects of Amber

14 Guglielmo Marconi’s invention could transmit and receive only this type of message.

15 In 1837, messages were first sent in Morse code by means of this device.

16 Invented by an Italian count, this device first sparked people’s curiosity in 1800.

17 This part of a communications system sends the message.

18 This is an acronym that describes a device that makes a very bright, monochromatic light.

19 This simple device measures current in an electrical circuit.

20 This thin light-carrying strand always has at least two layers.

21 Invented before the laser, this device created very strong microwaves.

22 This scientist’s 1916 theory led to the development of the laser, among other things.

23 The units for ΔV are named for this Italian scientist.

24 Little-known today, he built the first working laser in 1960.

25 The unit of electric current is named for this French scientist from around 1800.

26 His 1831 investigations proved that an electric current could be produced by a magnet.

27 The lower index of refraction of this outer layer keeps light inside an optical fiber.

28 This device converts a sound wave into an electrical wave.

29 This simple tool responds to the Earth’s magnetic field.

30 Commonly used as a light source, an LED is short for a Light Emitting ________.

31 This complex tool is used to display electric signals


33 The period of a wave is measured in these small units.

34 This basic unit is used to measure wavelength.

35 The resistance of an electrical device to current flow is measured in this unit.

36 Short for “cycles per second”, this unit of frequency sounds like a rental car.

37 Named for a French scientist, the unit of electric charge ends with a silent “b”.

38 In order to make sure that the message was received, a communications system should use this method.

39 In order to calculate the power in an electric circuit, you need to multiply the voltage by …

40 In order to find the frequency of a signal when you know its period, you need to…

41 In order to tell whether a circuit is wired in series, you should remove one bulb and the other bulbs should…

42 In order to calculate current from the voltage and the resistance, you should ____________ the voltage by the resistance.

43 When a light wave travels across a boundary from one medium to another, it _______________.

44 When a light wave travels through gaps in a barrier, it _______________.

45 The pencil in this picture appears to be broken because the ____ of the light changes.

46 In this diagram illustrating the Law of Reflection, the blue line is referred to as the _________ line.

47 The light ray “bounces” as it travels in this picture because of Total Internal ____________.

48 This diagram shows a __________ circuit.


50 Three identical light bulbs are connected as shown to a 12- V battery. Each light bulb will receive ____ Volts.

51 Each light bulb in this circuit has a current of 50 milliamps. The total current from the battery is ________.

52 The voltage across the 3.0 resistor in this circuit is ________.

53 You must be careful with even a low-powered laser because it can still cause this.

54 These devices will melt to interrupt a dangerously high current.

55 A conductive path between the terminals of a circuit voltage source is known as this.

56 This device acts like an automatic switch, opening when too much current flows.

57 If you value your eyesight, never look into the opening of this.


59 The unit of electrical resistance is named for this scientist who investigated the relationship between voltage and current.

60 This nineteenth-century scientist who was born in Scotland invented the telephone.

61 The unit of power is named for this English marketer of early steam engines.

62 The height of a wave crest is named by this term.

63 This is the name for the amount of signal lost in a communications system

64 The resistance of this resistor.


66 The color bands of a 1500  5% resistor.

67 This word appears here in Morse code. — — —

68 This word appears in Morse code. — — — — — — — — — —

69 To show that laser light is monochromatic, you need to show that the light is made up of this.

70 In order to measure direct current voltage using the multimeter, you need to press the blue button labeled with these letters.

71 In order to measure direct current using the multimeter, you need to press the blue button labeled DCA, then you need to remove this.

72 Before you can find frequency using an oscilloscope, you need to find the period. To do this, you need to count the spaces between these.

73 To find peak-to-peak voltage using an oscilloscope, you need count the spaces between these.

74 Should you leave the beam stop of a laser open all the time? Why or why not?

75 Could you make a reliable communications system using lasers in open air? Why or why not?

76 To make a string of lights so that if one bulb burns out, the others will stay on, should you wire the lights in series? Why or why not?

77 To build a circuit so that the light bulbs are as bright as possible, should you wire them in parallel? Why or why not?

78 According to this attenuation graph, should you choose a light source of 575 nanometers to work with this optical fiber? Why or why not?

79 Ed uses a meter to measure a current of 15 mA. In Amperes, this current would be…

80 A current 0f 0.5 Amperes flows through a 20-  resistor. The voltage across this resistor would be…

81 A current 0f 5.0 Amperes flows through a television when it is connected to a 120-Volt supply. The power rating of this television would be…

82 The total resistance of this circuit is…

83 The current through this circuit is…


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